Advisory Group Announcements for Monday, March 3

AG Announcements – 3/03/14

 Seventh and eighth graders, the track and field season at Romig begins on Tuesday, March 18th.  ALL paperwork needs to be in on the MONDAY prior to the first day of practice.  So on St Patty’s day the paperwork–all, not piece-meal–needs to be on file. For any other middle school than Romig, call them to see when their deadlines for filling out sports paperwork are.

 There will be a prep-meeting for movie auditions this Thursday at lunch in Philip’s room. If you are interested in auditioning talk to Milo, Tim, or Luca beforehand and they will give you a script. Actors should be upperclassman male.

There will be an 8th grade class meeting at noon on Tuesday in Marla’s room.  We will be discussing and planning for the possibility of a bake sale.

The travel scholarship application deadline for next year’s Costa Rica intensive is Wednesday, March 19th. Students can turn completed forms into Danielle or the front office.

Italy intensive: please get your paperwork turned in. Also bring me a copy of your passport with your paperwork.

The next dance will soon be here!  Mark your calendars on March 21st for the Dr. Suess dance.  There will be “Suessy” decor, themed food, contests, and door prizes.  Look for posters in the hall and a flash posting later on this week.  Hosted by Jen and Marla’s AG.

To all seniors:  If you already know your plans after graduation ie: what college, trade school, etc. please tell Michelle so that she can put you on the list for the graduation program.

This is the last week for shadows, please remember to check the board for your name each day.

Seniors will meet Tuesday at noon in Ken’s room for more planning on the Activity Night.

Seniors: Your slide show for graduation is due Monday, March 17. No slide shows will be accepted after that date.

Planet Steller will meet this Wednesday at noon in Ken’s room

This week is the division finals on Wednesday at lunch between teams A and B for the North Division and E and F for the South Division. Championship games will be held after spring break. It will be a 5 game series.

Please don’t forget to buy a yearbook.

Current price is $65.00. Buy it now!

Yearbook Staff

Students, seniors are looking for extra chaperones for activity night. If you know that your parent can help please talk to Milo.

Were you planning to sign up for the NYC/DC Intensive, but forgot? If so, it is not too late. Talk to Leigh Anne today about getting yourself signed up.