Upcoming Winter Dance Saturday, Jan. 26th 8 pm – Mid.
Location:Â Alaska Wildberry Theatre
Tickets go on sale week of January 14th.
Theme: “License To Chillâ€Â (Black and White Affair)
Guest sign up book in the office starting today, Monday, Jan. 14th ending on Tuesday, Jan. 22nd at 3:00 pm(NO EXCEPTIONS) DO NOT WAIT TO SIGN UP YOUR GUESTS!!!!! Students please remember when signing up your guests you MUST fill out ALL information correctly and completely in order for your guest to attend.  Students and Guests who have ANY outstanding fines must have them paid in full 24 hours prior to the dance for processing.
Office Policies for Paying Fines and Fees
- 1.             You must have exact payment amount as the office does not make change.
- 2.             Fines for dances must be paid at least 24 hours prior to the dance for processing.
- 3.             Payment days and hours will be as follows:
Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursday’s,
7:30 – 8:30, 11:45 – 12:40, 2:05 – 3:30 pmÂ
- 4.             We only accept cash or checks. We do not
accept credit cards.
We are looking for students who are excited and positive about the education and experience that that they are receiving at Steller who would be willing to do a recruitment presentation at their previous grade schools. There will be a training and information meeting on Wednesday at noon in the MPR. Lunch will be provided so please come early to get your food and be ready to give your input about the most important aspects of a Steller education promptly at twelve.
We plan to begin going out to the schools next week. We are specifically looking for students from the following schools: Central Science, Chugach Optional, Bowman Optional, Aquarian Charter, Susitna Optional, Eagle River Optional, Rogers Park, North Star, Rilke Schule, Winterberry, and Denali Montessori. It is important that we take both middle school and high school representatives. If you attended another school that you think would also appreciate a visit you can sign up and we will consider a visit if time in the recruitment season allows.
For Advisors: We need to know name, grade, former grade school, student phone number/email, parent phone number/email. Information should be turned in to John.
Senior portraits and senior pages are post due.  Please submit your pictures in digital form either via email jackson_lana@asdk12.org or provide a CD/ thumb drive.Please note that half page for the senior page will be provided free of charge. You may choose to purchase a full page for $100.00.
Senior full pages are limited. If you have not already purchased a senior full page (and intend to) please do so now, before we run out.
The price for Yearbook is $65. Will be $70 next semester. So, buy now!
Thank you,
Yearbook Staff
District Middle School Battle of the book is scheduled on January 30. For the next couple of weeks we are going have two meetings every week: one on Tuesday and one on Friday. Â Meetings are at lunch in a library.
The will be a free SAT practice test at Steller on Wednesday, January 16th @ 2:30. – Sign up in the office.
Juniors and Seniors – you absolutely need to check each college’s admissions requirements. Many schools will not accept your application if you haven’t taken the specified SAT Subject Tests and/or the ACT Writing test.
There have already been a couple for applications rejected because these specific requirements weren’t completed.
I am administering the SAT and SAT Subject tests on January 26 and the ACT with Writing on February 9 here at Steller. There is still time to sign up for one or both of them.
If you have any questions about either the SAT or the ACT see John as soon as possible.
Tenth grade class meeting this Tuesday at 12:00 in Leigh Anne’s Relo to plan the February dance.
Steller’s mock trial team will meet Mondays and Fridays at lunch in Leigh Anne’s room. All members should come today to discuss changes in assigned roles.
Ashley’s AG – please come see her before this Thursday at 2:30 to vote on type of soup and to sign up to volunteer to make soup.  We will be serving soup on January 25th.
There is a junior class meeting today at 12 noon in Ken’s room. See you there!
Temple of the Bean we are having our first meeting this Wednesday (tomorrow) in hte MPR at lunch…this is absolutely mandatory if you want to work in Temple of the Bean this semester. In case you forget it is written on the white board as well.
There will be a Soccer Club meeting this Wed. at lunch in the gym. All students interested in playing soccer games at lunch should attend.
Attention all Whistler intensive participants. If you have photos from the trip that you would like to share please bring them to Troy on a card or a flash drive.
All Community Meeting – this Thursday is the ACM at 6:30. We will be discussing the future of Steller, please come and share your ideas on topics such as school improvements, student retention and project based classes.