Mark Larsen will be holding an informational meeting for students who are considering joining the West/Steller ski team.
He will be in the MPR on Tuesday the 19th during lunch.
Deadline for signing up a visitor for the dance is tomorrow at 12pm. Â Sign up in the office.
Panama Intensive: we will have a quick 10 minute meeting in Jen’s room this Wednesday right at 11:45 (or right after the assembly).  Also if you are planning on applying for a travel scholarship that is due to Nina today; see Nina if you plan to apply and do not have the paperwork today.
Picture Re-takes are this Friday during lunch, pick up an order form in the office.
The “arts club†finally has a name for its coffee house gathering.  It is the “Creative Commons,†a community of creative individuals.  Our first Creative Commons will be on November 12 (october was canceled due to schedule conflicts.)  Please see Alayne if you are interested in displaying artwork, playing music, reading poetry, dancing, or doing anything else creative.  As always, our committee is meeting every Tuesday at 2:10 in the art room.
Any juniors or seniors who plan to attend the College Fair next Monday, October 25th, need to sign up with John in the office NOW.
The College Search and Scholarship Search Night are tomorrow at 7:00pm in the computer lab. Â All high school students, and their parents, are encouraged to come to learn about using AkCIS to help them make college plans, and how to pay for them, after high school.
Tomorrow’s Shakespeare Festival Meeting is re-scheduled for next Tuesday at Noon.
Jennifer Wadsworth