Ad Board meets this Thursday, April 21 at 7:00 pm. The proposed agenda appears below. If you have any additional items of business, please forward them to co-chairs Elizabeth or Lorryn.
In preparation for the 2011-12 school -year, the Nominating Committee would like to confirm the names of those members who will continue to serve on Ad Board for the 2nd year of their term: Denise Flake, Elizabeth Grover, Kaya Kade, Cindy Franklin, Katie Bates, William Johnson, Helen Sharratt.
Also, we would like to know if any board members whose term expires this year, wish to stand for another 2-year term in the fall election. Things are a bit up in the air, right now, as to the number of Advisory Groups, and thus the number of Parent Representative Seats we will have in the fall. We expect it will balance out to somewhat the usual ratio, so we plan to fill 8 seats for the coming year. Please let us know if you are willing to complete your term, serve another 2-year term, or know of an interested and involved parent whose name you would like to submit to the Nominating Committee. (Contact Rochelle ) This parent volunteer opportunity requires a minimal amount of time—one evening meeting a month—usually the second Thursday of each month—but consistent attendance is appreciated. In the event of an unforeseen or unavoidable absence, you can simply recruit another parent to substitute for you on that occasion.
Thank-you to all the current Ad Board members for your volunteer commitment, this past year.
Proposed Agenda
Ad Board MeetingThursday, April 21, 2011
- Call to Order
- Attendance & Quorum
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of February Minutes
- Reports
- Principal
- Staff
- Parent Group
- Op Group
- Old Business
- Advisory Group Notebooks and Credit for Student Government (report from Staff)
- Lounge Actions (report from Op Group)
- Report on Facility Upgrades (CRAC)
- Auction Proceeds
- Disbursement decisions
- New Business
- Principal selection and staffing
- Ad Board representative commitments for 2011-2012 school year
- Calendar/meetings for 2011-2012 school year
- Lessons learned from 2010-2011 Ad Board meetings
- Ideas for improving attendance
- Ideas for making meetings productive and enjoyable
- Announcements
- Spring Prom – Saturday, April 30, 7 PM
- End of 4th Quarter – Tuesday, May 3
- Spring Intensives – May 4–17
- Presentation Day – Wednesday, May 18
- Graduation – Wednesday, May 18, 3 PM–Wendy Williamson Auditorium, UAA
- Activity Day – Thursday, May 19—Lyn Ary Park
- Adjourn