Ad Board Meeting – Thursday, October 21, 2010

Proposed Agenda

I.     Call to Order

II.     Attendance & Quorum

III.     Approval of Agenda

IV.     Approval of September Minutes

V.      Reports

A.     Principal

B.     Staff

C.     Parent Group

D.     Op Group

VI.     Old Business

A.     Revisit election of secretary—must be an Ad Board member

B.     Advisory Group Notebooks

C.     Parent Survey on Advisory Groups

D.     Academic Credit for student government participation—committee report

1.     Where do we stand with this now

2.     Reiteration of no-homework on meeting nights policy—one day extension

E.     Kitchen Committee Report

1.     Student

2.     Parent

VII.     New Business

A.     Intensives

B.     Bylaws Committee

VIII.     Announcements

A.     Dance – October 22—need chaperones, snacks to sell, cakes for cakewalk

B.     Student-led Conferences – October 27-28, 2010

1.     Sophomore class rummage sale

C.     In-service – October 29, 2010

D.     Steller Community Cafe, Wed. November 3, 6:00

E.     Next Meeting:

1.     Parent Group – November 10, 2010, 6PM—Ken’s Room

2.     All Community Meeting – sponsored by Staff — November 18, 2010, 6:30-8:30 MPR

F.     Creative Commons (Art Night)—Friday, November 12, -10

G.     Thanksgiving Break – November 25-26, 2010