Ad Board Meeting Notes- Thursday, October 21, 2010

I.            Call to Order

10 mins late

II.          Attendance & Quorum

19 voting members, quorum met

III.         Approval of Agenda

Moved and seconded – passed

IV.        Approval of September Minutes

Moved and seconded – passed

V.          Reports

A.             Principal

·      Chinese classes from the UAA Confucious institute. It would not be graded although Harlod may be able to get a pass/fail credit by choice grade. It is a two year program taught by a native Chinese teacher who is doing an internship here. Meeting about twice a week, 15-20 students, talk to Harlod if interested, he will have the sign-up list. If there is enough interest it will start second semester (January 3/10th). It was asked if 7th/8th graders would be able to get credit too. The answer is yes (IF it works out) It would come up as an elective. Due to the restrictions of the college and the classes, the teacher would not be able to assign credit because they are not allowed to at the college.

B.             Staff

o      Prepping for conferences now, talking about intensives and then Nov 8th in advisory is signup for winter intensives.

C.            Parent Group

o      Secretary was elected, so notes will finally be published. Parents PIP, community café – Nov 3rd, Kitchen

D.            Op Group

o      Sophmore class garage sale during conferences, ASM called due to issues with student behavior. It was called by a student and led by students with no staff help on the matter. A core group of students are setting up plans to address issues in the school and come up with a plan to tackle them.

VI.        Old Business

A.             Revisit election of secretary—must be an Ad Board member

o      Kaelyn W.was the alternate, but says she is not comfortable with doing it alone. Nominations were called for and Olivia A. was nominated. Nomination was accepted and due to the lack of other nominations, Olivia is now the secretary with Kaelyn as the alternate.

B.             Advisory Group Notebooks

o      Group of students are working on it.

C.            Parent Survey on Advisory Groups

o      Draft was finished today, it will soon be approved and then put on the website.

D.            Academic Credit for student government participation—committee report

1.             Where do we stand with this now

2.             Reiteration of no-homework on meeting nights policy—one day extension

o      Planning on meeting, failure… we decided that it would be best to attend a staff meeting and ask for input on homework scheduling from each staff member and see where they stand. Past practice has been that students have another day, but there are always issues with timing due to each teacher’s practices. Reccomendation that we schedule a meeting time for the staff meeting. Bring a written proposal for the staff to review. Bring a proposal to the next ad board meeting or ACM. Also to the flash and then gain official approval from Ad Board.

E.             Kitchen Committee Report

1.             Student

o      We have an appointment scheduled for equipment checkup and to gain info about costs and such. Nina and Eliza are going to teach an intensive for barista training and setting up TOB. Health department permit was brought up and it will be looked into.

2.             Parent

o      Panama intensive has used the kitchen to fundraise a good amount recently. The Temple of the Bean has been passed as a club in Op Group,

VII.      New Business

A.             Intensives

o      It stretches both the staff and the students. Harlod has had many people come talk to him about the variety of intensives that are offered. The staff has now engaged in a process that would do just that. Advisors would make sure students didn’t repeat these intensives. One parent input that choices are good but mandates are not. Another opinion in the same strain was that some students would repeat an intensive so that they can learn the same thing at a higher level.

o      Kids pick the same things because the teachers keep offering them, or do the staff keep offering the same ones because the students keep picking them.

o      One student added that the elective and art intensives are usually more popular and often the academic intensives have their teachers pulled and put into one of the bigger intensives.

o      Teachers may not want a “wet blanket” in their intensive who got stuck there because they couldn’t take Frolf again.

o      We need to do something in intensives that we CAN’T do in a regular intensive. But that only happens if we can get students to sign up for intensives.

o      Some students sign up for the same intensives repeatedly due to cost.

o      10/5/3 – passed

B.             Bylaws Committee

o      Looking for volunteers

VIII.     Announcements

A.             Dance – October 22—need chaperones, snacks to sell, cakes for cakewalk

B.             Student-led Conferences – October 27-28, 2010

1.             Sophomore class rummage sale

C.            In-service – October 29, 2010

D.            Steller Community Cafe, Wed. November 3, 6:00

E.             Next Meeting:

1.             Parent Group – November 10, 2010, 6PM—Ken’s Room

2.             All Community Meeting – sponsored by Staff — November 18, 2010, 6:30-8:30 MPR

F.             Creative Commons (Art Night)—Friday, November 12, -10

G.            Thanksgiving Break – November 25-26, 2010