Ad Board Meeting Minutes – Thursday, February 24, 2011

Summary for the non-Adboardian:

·     The staff is passing out a survey about homework in AGs. Is there too much? Too little? Do students text and use Facebook while doing homework?

·     Staff is looking for parent volunteers who can help interview possible new teachers for next school year. Volunteers need to be available for all the interview days. Contact the office.

·     Remember: Intensives are first thing next year!

·     ACM coming up – We need ideas for what to talk about! Contact Eliza McGownd.

·     An official Kitchen Use Policy has been created for everyone using the kitchen. See the link under New Business.

·     Lounge Table and Profanity – discussion was in a whirlwind at the Ad Board meeting. Parent Group had written a proposal about how to handle the table (see the link under New Business) but Ad Board would like to see something come from the student body at the next All School Meeting!

·     Want something at Steller to be improved? We can get the money! Make a list of what you think needs improvement a) what you want the most and b) what you think needs to be done first and give it to your advisor or bring it to Op Group.

·     Ad Board now decides where the Auction proceeds go! Yearbook? Computers? Find out at the next Ad Board meeting!

·     8th Graders – You’re now in charge of the Orientation Luncheon during orientation!

·     7th Graders – You’re now in charge of the All-School Picnic during Presentation Day in May!

·     Any interest in helping plan a trip to Germany? See Eliza!

I.     Call to Order

A.     Call to Order at: 7:14 pm

II.     Attendance & Quorum

A.     Quorum made! Just barely. 🙂 Remember to send your reps next time!

III.     Approval of Agenda

A.     Agenda was approved.

IV.     Approval of October Minutes

A.     October Minutes were approved.

V.     Reports

A.     Principal

1.     No Principal’s report.

B.     Staff

1.     Discussed conferences. The timing, format, looked at parent responses.

2.     Homework. The staff is analyzing the amount of homework students have. Natalie and Nina created a survey that will be distributed at the next AG (2/28). Survey is about how much time is spent doing homework, the quality and amount of homework, as well as how much time is spent on Facebook or phones.

3.     Staff brought their intensive options (2 per teacher). By next week every teacher will have their intensives selected and the descriptions will be posted soon.

4.     Hiring committee for next year’s new teachers. We have staff and students, but we need parents to volunteer and help with the interviews. As volunteers for the hiring committee are expected to attend every interview scheduled, volunteers should be prepared to attend multiple interviews on different days with ranging times.

5.     A question was raised about if students were rating the intensives this year. No, the staff changed the process of selecting intensives (with that proposal about repeating intensives). There is a suggestion box in the office for any ideas from students. People believe we need to advertise the existence of that box more.

C.     Parent Group

1.     Parent Group has no extra report except for the proposal later on the agenda.

D.     Op Group

1.     ACM – Op Group is planning the next ACM and is looking for more ideas for things to work on/discuss in small committees.

2.     One of the ideas so far is to make a parent orientation for the beginning of next year. Also to work on ideas for the student orientation at the beginning of the year.

3.     We discussed the “Dis-Orientation” intensive happening next year. Ideas to have a separate disorientation for older students. Remember that intensives are at the VERY beginning of the fall for next year.

VI.     Old Business

A.     Staff update on Advisory Group Notebooks and Credit for Student Government?

1.     No new news except a second draft for the notebooks will be done for next fall.

VII.     New Business

A.     Kitchen Use – Kitchen Use Policy

1.     Wendy is working on Safety Procedures, and a parent suggested a policy for outside Steller groups.

2.     Discussion

1.     TOB is okay with other groups taking over the kitchen for more than just the lunch shift, just come talk to TOB if you want the kitchen! (Eliza McGownd)

2.     If you have any other comments, contact Rochelle Wilhelm.

B.     Lounge Table Motion

1.     Discussion:

1.     The discussion regarding the lounge table, lounge stereo and the “Tabletalk” proposal was quite extensive. Due to the size and range of this discussion the specific minutes have been removed from the notes. The following is a summary of what was discussed.

2.     A number of different ideas were brought forward including:

a.     Commission students to turn the table into artwork.

b.     Getting a specific place where students can write profanity.

c.     Creating a video on ‘Table Guidelines’ similar to that made for the “Couch Guidelines”.

d.     Painting the table with chalkboard paint so that graffiti would be erasable.

e.     Putting a chalkboard up somewhere that students could write on instead of the table.

3.     Other comments:

a.     The computer labs are being vandalized! Someone is messing with the mice and with the keys on keyboards.

b.     Other tables throughout the school, especially in the Library are being written on when they are not meant for that.

c.     It is an old custom that artwork at Steller should be signed by the artist. If you can’t put your name on it, it shouldn’t be there!

4.     While Ad Board recognizes that graffiti that includes profanity in a public place such as the lounge table may be viewed as a negative thing to some, Ad Board supports the ability for the students to express themselves in non-offensive ways.

5.     Ad Board appreciates the effort of Parent Group to draft a proposal to try to deal with the issue; however, we feel that in order for rules to be enforced, the students need to take ownership of the issue and come up with a solution.  As such, this issue will be a primary topic at the ASM on 2/28/11.  Ad Board anticipates a report on what was done, and a proposal from the student body explaining the plan to deal with this issue at the next Ad Board meeting on 4/21/11.

2.     Tabled  until the next meeting when a proposal should be brought by the student body regarding how to deal with this issue.

C.     Report on Facility Upgrades (CRAC)

1.     The people planning the facility upgrades are hoping for a wish list of things the students want improved. Make a list of things you most want improved and things you feel are the most important to do soon.

D.     Auction Proceeds

1.     Disbursement decisions

1.     When Parent Group was asked to take back the auction this year, they were given the handle on deciding where the money goes. They feel that when asking people to donate to the auction it doesn’t sound as good to say ‘You’re donating to the Parent Group’ than to say ‘You’re donating to the school’.

2.     Parent Group needs some ideas for how to use the money. (In the past the auction has made between one thousand and 16 hundred.) They are asking Ad Board to create a finance committee to be in charge of handling the money from the auction.

3.     Many ideas were brought up but in the end it was decided that no special committee would be formed and that Ad Board as a whole will make recommendations on how money should be distributed.

2.     Passed  – Ad Board is now in charge of deciding the distribution of money from the Auction.

E.     Class responsibilities for Volunteer form

1.     The 8th grade class is in charge of the Orientation Luncheon.

2.     The 7th grade class is in charge of the All-School Picnic on Presentation Day in May.

3.     Ad Board voted to support these changes

F.     Steller Quilt

1.     Eliza McGownd is trying to contact Steller’s sister school in Germany. A few years ago members of Steller put together a quilt as a gift to that sister school. We never sent that quilt and Eliza is looking for people who might be interested in planning something with Germany.

VIII.     Announcements

A.     End of 3rd Quarter – February 25, 2011

B.     Parent Group—Wed, March 2, 6:00-7:30—Ken’s Room

C.     In-service – Fri, March 4, 2011

D.     Spring Break – March 7-11, 2011

E.     All Community Meeting—Thursday, March 24, 6:30-8:30–MPR

F.     Lottery Deadline – March 24, 2011

G.     Auction – Sat, April 2, 6-10 PM, MPR

H.     Next Meeting: Thursday, April 21,  7:00 PM – Danielle’s Room

IX.     Adjourn

A.     Adjourned at 8:31