- Call to Order
- Attendance and Quorum- 16
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of October Minutes
- Reports
- Principal-none
- Staff
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Recruitment and Retention: Our numbers are lower this year than they have been in the past. The staff is working on ways to increase enrollment and to increase the number of students who stay all 6 years. We will be working in small committees to accomplish this by looking at marketing strategies, probation, etc. Parent group will be forming joint committees with the staff to address these issues.
-      Grading/Transcript Program: The staff is looking into how we can get greater support in being able to not only teach the classes that we teach, but to be able to have our course titles reflect those classes on student’s transcripts. The staff are committing to submitting any new class that they teach to the district for course title approval. We are also planning on possible next steps if classes continue to be denied. Including ways for parents and students to help.
-      Preparing for Fairs: The annual alternative fair is the day of Feb. 5th (10-3 P.M) we are looking for students to help out at our booth. Our “Open House†for perspective students is Feb. 10th. We are looking for both parent and students help to make this year’s event as successful as it was last year. Any students interested in volunteering, contact Jen for the alternative fair, and Linda for the open house.
- Parent Group
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Temple of the Bean is needing parent volunteers to supervise while students are in the kitchen making coffee as per regulations. Contact Eliza McGownd (bookoflizla@gmail.com) for more info.
-      Parent Group is working on a bylaw change that would pass off Parent Group’s raffle license to the school, rather than be sold to a third party if Parent Group ever disbands.
- Op Group
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Several murals where passed
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Creative Commons was created and has since held one show, and is planning another.
-      The Community Café was created and has since held one meeting.
-Â Â Â Â Â Â A student brought a proposal to host a blood drive at Steller. It passed.
- Old Business
- Advisory Group notebooks
The idea was brought to the last All Community Meeting. Changes will be made based on feedback. The possibility of making a digital copy is being explored.
- Temple of the Bean
A management committee was formed. Two students are running TOB as a passage.
- No homework on Ad Board nights
Whereas many Steller students participate in a variety of Steller community functions;
Whereas students involved in these functions frequently run into issues completing their homework because of these events;
Whereas the policy of homework extensions has been implemented before but never officially presented;
Whereas staff, students, and parents have all shown support for this policy;
Therefore let it be resolved that the following policy be officially passed and followed for all future community events:
The Policy includes:
The functions eligible will include Ad Board, All Community Meetings, Parent Group, Community Cafes, Talent Show, Open House, 6th Grade Ice Cream Social, Creative Commons or any other evening gathering of the Steller community on Monday-Thursday
The general rule is that homework assignments due the day after one of these functions will be given an extension to the next class period. For the math classes that fit two assignments in the two nights between classes, one assignment will be due on the regular day while the other will be due the next class period, in addition to everything else that is due that day. Individual teachers will decide on extensions for projects, tests, and long-term homework. Though it is encouraged that homework be lightened as much as possible on meeting nights, homework extensions should not detract from the entire class timeline.
This policy is a privilege given to Steller students by the teachers. It is up to each individual to discuss the details of each assignment with their instructor. It is at the discretion of each teacher to decide upon the specifics for each class and each student. Students are not automatically guaranteed this privilege. Every student wishing to be granted extensions must talk to all affected teachers and they are responsible for completing all work and tests by the date set by the individual teacher.
The proposal was supported by both Parent Group and Op Group
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Passed 16/0/0
- New Business
- Credit for Participation in Student Government.
-Whereas student government is an essential part of the Steller Community
-Whereas participation in student government has decreased somewhat in the last few years
-Whereas the dedicated volunteers who participate in the student government should be rewarded for their work
-Whereas offering credit for participation in student government would not only reward those already participating but encourage others to join as well
-Therefore be it resolved that if a student taking part in Steller student government fulfills the specified set of requirements, they shall receive a quarter of social studies credit for a semester of student government work. The requirements are outlined below:
-The student shall attend all Op Group meetings they are able to (if they miss four meetings in a semester, they will no longer be eligible for credit)
-The student shall attend at least 2 Ad Board meetings during the semester
-The student shall attend at least one parent group meeting during the semester.
-The student shall attend any All Community Meetings that fall in the semester.
-The student shall submit a proposal to either Op Group or Ad Board during the semester.
-The student must be marked present by the sergeant-at-arms at all meetings they attend or they will not receive credit for attending. They should provide records of their attendance at the end of the quarter.
-At the end of the semester, the student will consult with a social studies teacher and discuss whether they have done enough to earn credit for their semester of work.
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Parent Group and Ad Board both support the proposal. Tabled until further notice.
- Ad Board business deadline proposal
Whereas Ad Board has previously met when there is no business to discuss;
Whereas such meetings are unnecessary and inconvenient to all who attend;
Whereas knowing what business items are brought forward will help the co-chairs to plan the Ad Board meetings;
Therefore let it be resolved that anyone wishing to submit business for an Ad Board meeting will do so no later than one week prior to the scheduled date of the meeting. The co-chairs will give notification 2 weeks prior to the scheduled meeting and anyone wishing to submit business will contact the co-chairs in the following week. If there is no business within one week of a scheduled Ad Board meeting, the co-chairs will give notice that the meeting will be canceled.
-Â Â Â Â Â Â A friendly amendment was made to include that, if an Ad Board meeting is still a go a week before it is scheduled, more business may be added to the agenda.
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Passed 16/0/0
- Requirements and Retention
-Â Â Â Â Â Â See staff report. No vote needed
- Announcements
- SAT testing- Jan. 22 2011
- Talent show- Jan. 28 2011Â – Tryouts on Jan. 19th after school
- 2011 Alternative Fair- Feb. 5th. 10:00 am- 3:00pm, ASD education center. Volunteers needed. Contact office
- Winter Prom- Feb. 5th
- Open House and 6th grade ice cream social- Feb. 10th at 6:30 pm
- Inservice day- Feb. 18
- President’s day. No school. – Feb. 21st
- Creative Commons- Feb. 25th – Â Auditions Feb. 1-2 after school
- End of 3rd quarter- Feb. 25th
- Next meeting
- -Â Â Â Â Â Â Parent Group- Feb. 9th, 6pm
- -Â Â Â Â Â Â All Community Meeting- Feb. 24th 6:30-8:30
- -Â Â Â Â Â Â Ad Board- March 2nd– 7:00pm
- Adjourn.