Ad Board Meeting Agenda

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Proposed Agenda

I.     Call to Order

II.     Attendance & Quorum

A.     Welcome & Introduction

III.     Approval of Agenda

IV.      Election of Officers

A.     Co-Chairs

B.     Chief of Operations (filled by Chairman of Op Group)

C.     Secretary

D.     Parliamentarian

E.     Archivist

V.     Reports

A.     Principal

B.     Staff

C.     Parent Group

D.     Op Group

VI.     Old Business

A.     Advisory Group Notebooks—staff was working on this

B.     Parent Survey on Advisory Groups—we haven’t done anything as yet

C.     Parent Contract—this was distributed as part of the registration packet

D.     Academic Credit for student government participation

1.     Where do we stand with this now

2.     Reiteration of no-homework on meeting nights policy

VII.     New Business

A.     Kitchen Committee—both Op Group & Parent Group are forming to establish guidelines for kitchen use.  Will report to Ad Board.

VIII.     Announcements

A.     Next Meeting:

1.     Parent Group – October 21, 2010, 6PM—Ken’s Room

A Musical Interlude provided by Steller Band under the direction of Mr. Toba and refreshments provided by Parent Group will take place in the Lounge, between the scheduled Parent Group & Ad Board Meetings

2.     Ad Board – October 21, 2010, 7PM—Danielle’s Room