Advisory Board – February 2, 2012
Notes taken and typed by Denise Flake
I.         Call to Order at 7:05 pm   Quorum = 13
II.       Agenda approved.
III.     Reports
A. Principal -Â Ice cream social is coming up.
B. Staff – John stated that we are getting a good response from the elementary schools we have visited. We are visiting more schools at this time.
C. Parent Group – None
- Op Group – None
IV.       Old business
A. Proposal to amend the intensive requirement that students can’t be in the same intensive 2     consecutive years, tabled until next meeting.
- Â Â Â Â Â Â New business –
A. Grant Committee –
- Lorryn Wilhelm and Denise Flake put forth a proposal to form a Grant Committee to review grant proposals and make recommendations to the Ad Board for approval. After much discussion the decision was reached that Kristen would be willing to edit the forms submitted with the proposal, to address the issues brought up during the discussions. Lorryn moved to approve the proposal with the agreed upon changes, Ken seconded and the proposal was passed unanimously.
- It was proposed that the new Grant Committee will be brought up at the All Community meeting and we will ask for volunteers willing to serve on the committee at that time. Once the committee is formed they can fine tune the grant application and rubric to meet their needs. Kristen moved to approve the proposal, Dale seconded and the proposal passed unanimously.
VI. Announcements
A. Open house – ice cream social 2-9-12 at 6:30pm
B. Parent group meeting  3-21-12 at 6:00pm
C. Next Ad Board meeting 4-12-12 at 6:30pm
VII.     Adjourn at 8:17pm