Advisory Board – December 8, 2011
Notes taken and typed by Denise Flake
I.          Call to Order at 6:37 pm    Quorum = 20
II.        Agenda and October minutes approved.
III.       Reports
A.  Principal –  Blaine’s is a new business partner and will be sponsoring an art show in March.  Wednesday there will be a follow-up round table discussion on drugs.  Changing the dark room into a seminar/meeting room has been added to the legislative grant.
B.  Staff – Intensive descriptions are out.  Registering for them will be on 1-9-12.  Financial aid is available.
C.  Parent Group –   The Parent Group needs a secretary.  $12,152.48 in revenue from the auction money to be distributed by Ad Board.  Parent group meetings to be moved to the week before Ad Board.
D.    Op Group – Proposal to amend the intensive requirement that students can’t be in the same intensive 2 consecutive years.  If the student is moving up a level and learning something new it would be okay to repeat an intensive.
IV.       Old business – None.
V.          New business –
A.  Election of a new parent co-chair.
Motion to move Madeleine from voting member to alternate and Brian Lax from alternate to voting member.  Brian Lax nominated for co-chair position.  Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to elect Brian Lax to parent co-chair.  Motion passed unanimously.
B.  Auction revenue dispersal.
Revenue for dispersal is $11,200 this year.  Previous years dispersals went to; yearbook, tech, travel intensives, intensive scholarships and general/project fund.  Much discussion about the general/project fund and how it should be dispersed followed.
Motion to disperse funds to:  yearbook – 4%, travel intensives – 45%, general/project fund – 51%
with Lauren and Emily to write a proposal on how to disperse from the general/project fund.  Motion passed unanimously.
VI.       Announcements
January 12 – all community meeting
February 2 – advisory board meeting, Ken’s room, 6:30pm.
VII.     Adjourn at 8:08pm