Activity Night is Friday, April 17. Students MUST have their permission slips turned into the office by Wednesday, April 15! No permission slip, no Activity Night. Parents are encouraged to volunteer to chaperone the dance, host a room, work on snack duty or sit/walk door patrol…. this activity that we all love is NOT POSSIBLE without the help of our wonderful parent volunteers. There is a NO TOLERANCE rule in place, please be aware that if any drugs or alcohol are consumed or found during the campus activities or on school premises then the entire Activity Night may be shut down. Also, please be respectful of other people’s items and things while at Activity Night, we have not had any problems in the past and we do not wish to start now. Remember, no permission slip, no Activity Night! The Senior Class hopes to see you all there!
Click here to download the permission form.
Senior Class of 2009
Larry, Troy and Jennifer, Senior Class Sponsors