A Big Thanks

Thank you to Dawnmarie and all the senior parents who so generously provided dinner for our Senior Page evening workshop last month.  The students really appreciated the yummies and enjoyed working on their pages and visiting with each other.  The energy and enthusiasm generated even more ideas for community building within the class.  Senior parents rock!

Upcoming events:

January 11, 2011:  Look for Graduation Announcement/Class Ring order info to come home in packet form.  We will have a meeting with Josten’s Rep during lunch that day.

January 27, 2011: The Work Keys program test/survey for seniors.

February 5, 2011:  Winter Prom!  Hosted by the Senior Class and the 9th grade class.  Viking Hall 8p – 12a with set up at noon to two.  Parents needed to chaperone the dance and to help set up in the afternoon.  Please email Nina or Gerald to volunteer!