Parent Group Meeting – 9/17/08

Call to order: 5:40
No new items added to agenda

Principal’s Report: Copy attached (Not yet received for posting to the website)

Op Group Minutes: Copy attached (Not yet received for posting to the website)

Staff Report.

  1. There are three new staff members: Gerald Brown, Science; Michelle Short, Social Studies; and Judith Davis, psychologist.  Harlod Green is Stellers’ new Principal
  2. Student pictures will be taken September 18th.
  3. A request was made for the Parent Group to pay for the CES (The Coalition of Essential Schools) annual fee of $500.  Motion was made and seconded.  All present were in favor.  Motion passed.
  4. Motion made and seconded to reimburse parents who funded the 10th grade overnight orientation at Birchwood  $250.  All members present were in favor.  Motion passed.

Treasurers Report

  1. The treasurer asked if the Parent Group would like to support a raffle this year.  Steller Secondary School and Holy Rosary School will split the tickets.  Last year the raffle earned  $1657.50 for Steller.  The tickets are $20 dollars each and $10 dollars of each ticket Steller sells will go to Steller School.  Steller has 1000 tickets to sell.  Tickets will be sold at the Open House and All Community Meeting.    Motion was made and seconded. All members present were in favor.  Motion passed
  2. After a review of the budget, a motion was made and seconded to accept the budget.  All members present were in favor.  Motion passed.
  3. The Parent Group is sponsoring the Steller e-Script Shuffle.  There will be a drawing for an iPod Shuffle.  Every family that registers for eScrip can enter their child or children who attend Steller into the drawing.  The drawing will take place at the Steller All Community Meeting in November?            .
  4. The class of 2011 will raffle a hand made canoe.  They will attempt to raise $5,000 dollars.  Of that amount, $700 dollars will go to the maker of the canoe.  KCC will print the tickets.  The tickets can be purchased for $5 each or $20 for 5 tickets.

Old Business

  1. The Mission Statement and Strategic Planning group will continue working on revising the Steller philosophy.
  2. The Northwest Re-accreditation Process is in its second stage.  Surveys for parents, students and staff will be passed out and collected.  Steller’s application for accreditation must be approved for Steller to be an accredited school. The parent survey is on the Steller website.
  3. The goal is for the Parent /Student Directory to be completed by next week.  There are 294 students registered at Steller.  Approximately 30 students’  parents have not signed up to have their email or phone numbers in the directory.  There will be a table set up at the All Community Meeting for parents to sign up for the directory information.

New Business

  1. Nominations for new Parent Group officers were requested.  No new nominations were made.  This will be the Treasurer’s last year and she would like someone to step forward to be a Co-Treasurer this year and Treasurer next year.
  2. There was a discussion for the day and time of the Parent Group meetings.  The third Wednesday of each month was acceptable to all present.
  3. Nominations are being accepted for the Advisory Board Representatives.  There are 8 board members.  Currently 4 representatives sit on the Advisory Board.  4 more members are needed.  Two parents new to Steller and two parents who have been at Steller for at least one year are needed.  The slate will be voted on at the October 1st All Community Meeting.
  4. Parent Liaisons are still needed for some counseling groups.  Their responsibilities include forwarding email, helping the students organize fundraisers for their counseling group, and a contact person for other parents and teachers.
  5. There was a discussion about having a monthly Staff Luncheon.  Each counseling group would take turns supplying a staff lunch once a month.  A motion was made and seconded to have the monthly Staff luncheon.  All present were in favor.  Motion passed.
  6. Last year the staff and parents that attended the Coalition of Essential School Conference came back to Steller with several ideas that have been put to use at the school.

Announcements and Upcoming Events:

  1. Open House, September 18th
  2. All Community Meeting October 1 (Parent Advisory Board representatives to be elected)
  3. Advisory Board Meeting, October 23rd
  4. Safe and Drug Free Schools “Individuals Making Positive Actions and Choices” mini grant of $1,200 and opportunity for students to work on a PSA.    The form of intent is due on September 18th.

No questions.
Suggestions for topics for future Parent Group Meetings

  1. Volunteer needed to take over the Parent/Student directory
  2. The class of 2011 would like to have permission to put on a Carnival for a fundraiser.
  3. The next Parent Group Meeting will be October 22 at 5:30 PM.

Meeting Adjourned 7 PM