Ole Steller Yeller – Final Edition 2008

It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want – oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so! ~Mark Twain

I certainly have “spring fever” and I am ready for the snow to stop falling and the grass to start springing! I am very thankful for more hours of daylight and know that the students and staff are appreciative of the increased light as well. As we complete the last quarter of this school year and move into Intensives, it is important for our students to keep their focus, stay on top of their course work, and complete the school year in good standing.

The last quarter of the year always goes by very quickly. Between now and the end of the year there are some very important events and activities that will occur. Please check the calendar in this news-letter and the list of dates and activities below. We hope to see you at many of these events.

Steller had a very positive lottery in March and will be welcoming 52 new 7th graders for the 2008-2009 school year, along with a small number of students across the other grade levels. Steller will also be saying good-bye to a great group of seniors on the 20th of May at Steller’s Graduation at the Discovery Theatre. This is a very accomplished graduating class and a number of our graduates have received prestigious scholarships, been recognized for community service, and been accepted to highly regarded colleges and universities. We will certainly miss them and wish each and every one of them success and happiness in the future.

Thank you for a great school year and to each of you who have contributed your time, talent, and energy for our school . The Steller community will work together next year to complete the process for Northwest Accreditation. I invite you now, to become an active part of the process next year, and work with us to continue to make Steller a unique learning environment for our self-directed learners.

Have a great summer. Enjoy the wonders of the Alaska summer….once it finally gets here!
