The Staff Corner

Thank you very much to all the parent chaperones who helped make this year’s Activity Night a success! We had a wonderful turnout and we really appreciated all your help! It’s an easy way for families to log their ten volunteer hours.  You may want to keep it in mind for your family next year!! If you have some feedback from this year’s event, or, if you have an idea for a contest or arts and crafts activity for next year, please e-mail your student’s advisor. We’d really like to hear your ideas and suggestions.

With the school year accelerating to a close, we would like to remind you that students will soon be scheduling Year End Conferences with their advisors. These parent-student-teacher conferences serve a variety of purposes, from recapping the students’ educational experiences to setting goals for next year. Conferences are also an opportune time to get information regarding next year’s SAT/ACT testing schedules, fill out your intent to return form, or update your Steller directory information as well as other housekeeping details. This year’s conferences will be held on Wednesday, May 21 and Thursday, May 22. You or your student can schedule a conference by contacting your student’s advisor or by phoning the front office to reserve a time slot.

For students wishing to recoup lost credit or looking for enrichment courses, summer school information is now available online at Summer school offers a semester of credit per session and many students find that participating in summer school allows them more freedom of choice in coursework during the school year.

Under the “Last but not Least” category, please ask your student to look under the bed and beneath the floorboards for any textbooks, library materials or other school-related items that should make their way back to Steller. Kids with outstanding fees for lost or missing books, uniforms, equipment, etc. won’t be able to get their final grades (or diplomas

We look forward to the final of weeks of school and meeting with you and your student during the conferences!