An Exciting Class and Possible Job for Juniors and Seniors

2009 Alaska Railroad Tour Guide Program

The Alaska Railroad Tour Guide Program is a class that is offered through a 25 year partnership with the Alaska Railroad and the Anchorage School District. Juniors and seniors who meet the eligibility criteria interview for 20 training positions. They are then enrolled in an 11-week, .5 credit, after school course at the King Career Center starting January 26, 2009. This exciting course teaches students Alaska history, geography, flora and fauna as well as important workplace skills such as customer service, public speaking and professionalism.

Students who successfully complete the course are eligible to apply for 13 summer positions as official Alaska Railroad Tour Guides. The 2009 Alaska Railroad Tour Guide Class is from January 26, 2009-April 18, 2009. The class meets Monday-Thursday from 3-5:30 p.m. at KCC. You will receive a mailer from the King Career Center in October inviting you to an Open House on November 18, 2008, at 7 p.m. Information and applications are available on-line at or through the Career Resource Advisor at all the comprehensive high schools, the Alaska Railroad, and from the instructors, Mike Woods and Matt Sugita, at the King Career Center (742-8900).