This year’s Lead On! Youth Leadership Mini-Summit applications are now available!!!!!
Lead On! is a youth leadership conference aimed at promoting peace and equality throughout the state of Alaska! Alaskan youth (ages 13-18) from all over the state are brought together to explore a diverse range of topics, including healthy relationships, nonviolence, culture & identity, leadership skills and community activism. Youth are able to attend workshops held by local and national speakers who use creative methods, such as theater, art, media, and discussion. In addition, they develop skills that help them complete their own youth-led projects that promote individual, community, and/or relationship wellness.
This year’s Lead On will take place during Veteran’s Day weekend, November 10th-12thin Anchorage, AK . Scholarships are available for travel and lodging (please see application).  More information can be found at Videos, including our digital story video created by youth at Lead On! and our documentary,  can be found on this page, too!
We will have three review dates this year. Youth can choose which deadline to submit their application by. HOWEVER, we will continue to award  spots on a first-come-first serve basis; so it is best to submit applications by the first two due dates. The review dates are:
- June 15, 2012
- August 28,2012
- September 14, 2012
Click here for the Lead On Application 2012
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Alicia Ali
Prevention VISTA & Project Coordinator
Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
130 Seward St. Suite 214
Juneau, AK 99801
(p) 907.586.6566
(f) 907.463.4493