From the Nurse


If you are going through clothes this summer, please set aside nice looking sweats, tops and socks that can be used by students at Steller who get rips, have inappropriate attire, etc. We also need cups of noodles and other food items for those students who forget their lunch.  Thank you so much for your donations.  The students and I both appreciate your generosity.

I sent immunization notices home for those students who will need vaccinations before registration in August. Please take care of this.  The muni (343-4799), Prov. (212-4824) and Regional (276-1131) have free immunization clinics.

If you chose, you can download registration forms from the ASD website. Having them filled out beforehand can save you a great deal of time at registration.  Go to the ASD homepage and under parents/students click on forms. To the right you will see Back-to-School forms page.  Nothing is there now, however, as the beginning of next school year approaches, there will be.  You can also go under Department (on the homepage), click on Nursing/Health Svc. and then on the left side of the screen click on Health Forms.  From there you can access the Health Services forms you will need.

I need a care plan for next year for certain health conditions.  ASD requires an up-to-date one every year.  No student should have an asthma inhaler at school without a care plan authorizing one.  Faxing is the easiest way to make certain I receive the plan (907 7424170).  These are the conditions that necessitate a health care plan:

Asthma                           Allergy/anaphylaxis (including insect bites/stings)

Diabetes                         Seizures

Any individualized health concern that requires more than routine care

Students who may need an inhaler, epi pen, glucagon or diastat MUST have a care plan.  A teacher can administer epinephrine on a field trip ONLY if I there is a care plan on file with me.  Documentation in Zangle determines which schools receive a nurse if I am out of the building or if a nurse is needed on a field trip.  Please complete the forms, obtain the health care provider’s signature and fax or bring them to registration.  Students new to the district and all 7th graders need the PPD form as well.

Thank you for your attention to these issues.  Have a wonderful summer! I look forward to seeing you in August.


Nurse Anne (742-4963)