AG Notes 4/30/12

Discuss in AG what you would like to see at next year’s orientation.  Input from advisory groups will be brought back to today’s staff meeting.

During next year’s 3-day orientation we have the opportunity to have a volunteer fair one morning. A variety of organizations would present on the services they provide to the community and the ways in which students can get involved in service projects. Advisory groups should let their advisors know today whether they are interested in doing this. If you have a suggestion for an organization that you would like to have present, let your advisor know. (Advisors – please bring feedback to staff meeting today, so we can decide whether we’re going to plan for a volunteer fair or not.)

Students or staff who currently volunteer or who have been involved in service projects are encouraged to share information about their experiences. This information will potentially be included on a community service board or on the Steller website. Include your name, grade level, a brief description of the volunteer experience and whether or not you would recommend it to other students. Email it to Steller parent Victoria Weindel. You can get her email address from your advisor:

There will be an 8th grade class meeting in Danielle’s room Tuesday at lunch.

Steller’s All School Activity Day is Monday,  May 14th at Cuddy Family Park.  It is important that we receive all permission slips no later than Thursday, May 10th in order to calculate buses and BBQ amounts.

PLEASE return your signed slip to the office or your advisor asap

Greece Meeting on Wednesday at noon to complete our plan for presentation day. Bring your presentation and lets see what you got!!!!!!!

Remember to order your Steller wear ASAP!

Students, do you plan to work this summer?  If so, you can earn elective credit!  Sign up with John for the summer Work Experience program -  This is an easy and great way to earn elective credit in school while you are earning money at work!!
Work Experience will be online this year and kids will have until July 17 to submit hours.  You may earn a .5 elective credit for every 112.5 hours employed on a supervised, approved site.  (During the summer term, a student can earn 1.0 credit for 225 hours of work and 1.5 credits for 337.5 hours.)   Hours are documented with pay stubs each time the student receives a pay check.  Some additional paperwork and assignments are required.