AG Notes 4/9/12

Quick Greece meeting Wednesday at Noon in Philips room. Make sure you have been working on your presentations!!!!

College & Career Planning with John will be covering the topic of Gap Years, taking time off after high school before entering college or starting a career, tomorrow in the MPR during lunch.  If you have any thoughts about taking a “Gap Year” there is a lot more to know about it than you may realize.

SBA make ups (7-9 grades) are happening Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the MPR.  If you missed a test last week you need to see John about taking it.

Those seventh and eighth graders who had registered for Leigh Anne’s Sailing Intensive, please stop by her relo at 11:50 for a quick 10 minute meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, April 10th.

8th graders, the nurse needs your CPR Anytime Training sheet THIS morning. They must be turned in before 9 for you to be considered in the drawing for prizes.

Sophomores, please return your consent form for Sophomore Day to Nurse Anne by Wednesday, at the latest. All Sophomores are expected to participate in Sophomore Day. If you do not return the consent form and thus do not participate in Sophomore Day, you will be assigned make up work, you will not receive an excused absence from school and you will not be allowed to participate in Activity Night. Please get those consent forms in. Roll call will be taken on the bus Friday morning before leaving for the BP Energy Center. Anyone without a consent will have to depart from the bus and call their parent. The bus driver will NOTwait for parents to deliver the consent, however.

Deadlines for Seniors in MyHigh classes

Seniors need to have all work for online classes submitted in time for MyHigh teachers to grade it and acknowledge whether or not the senior passed the class before graduation.  Since schools have graduation scheduled on different days, there may be some flexibility in the “absolute drop-dead date”.    We have suggested April 30th, since the first graduation is scheduled on May 3rd.  That gives our teachers two days to get grades confirmed.  If your school has a later graduation date, and you have a senior who cannot make the April 30th deadline, please be sure to be in communication with MyHigh so we can accommodate if possible.  Since all of our teachers are full-time teachers in your buildings, you understand that they cannot be expected to drop everything in their face-to-face classes to grade something on the spot for their online class – we expect our teachers to return work in 24-48 hours.

Bottom line is, seniors need to have work submitted in time for our teachers to evaluate it and confirm final grades before your graduation.  Please encourage your seniors to get work submitted in time to be evaluated well before they are scheduled to walk across the stage.

Seniors two important things:  1) We have a meeting tomorrow during lunch, noon, Natalie’s room; to tweak up any last minute details for the activity night.  2) Senior Slideshows, the deadline is in 2 weeks, April 24th.   The format needs to be in either quick time or power point.

Forgot to turn in your activity night permission slip?  We will still take them up until Wednesday.

Felix has asked advisory groups to vote on his mural today.  The description is below

Explanation of mural:

In the foreground former United Socialist Soviet Russia dictator, Joseph Stalin stands with a radio in his left hand and a sickle in his right. Stalin stands on a mound that houses the graves of both Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin. To Stalin’s right is a P.S.U.C. Soldier from the Spanish Civil War. The P.S.U.C. (communist) Soldier is sitting(suppressing) on the movements of the C.N.T. (Anarchist) And P.O.U.M. (socialist) militias while also suppressing the idea of revolution during the war. Stalin’s bolshevik’s directly went against any revolutionary aims in the war by militarily aiding (sickle in Stalin’s hand) the PSUC to suppress other Marxist groups which in turn would allow the Franco dictatorship to usurp power over Spain and continue trade with the U.S.S.R. The grave to the right of Stalin, Trotsky’s, is partially on the side of the P.S.U.C. Soldier portion of the mural. The reason for the placement of Trotsky’s grave is to symbolize what he meant to the Bolshevik movement. Before Trotsky was exiled from Russia he was the commissar of the Bolshevik military forces, effectively making him the symbolic ‘sickle’ of the original Bolsheviks (pre-Stalin Russia). On Stalin’s left hand side there is a worker in overalls symbolizing solidarity movements in the United States. The worker holds a hammer, the quintessential symbol for the proletariat. The worker in the foreground is joined by a row of other faces which symbolizes worker solidarity. The radio that lies on Stalin’s left palm symbolizes the propaganda used to suppress workers movements. Propaganda against workers movements in the United States mostly came from drawing parallels between the disparities in the U.S.S.R. And the fact that a very small minority of unions were headed by Marxist groups. The lead propagator of Red scare hysteria was a senator by the name of Joseph McCarthy, this is the reason why his name is being bellowed by the radio. Vladimir Lenin’s grave is positioned to Stalin’s left bordering the solidarity movements portion of the mural. Vladimir Lenin was essentially the leader of post Tsar Russia up until his death. Lenin was to many in Russia, the driving force behind much of the success of the many anti Tsar revolutions. Lenin was like the hammer to Trotsky’s sickle. Lenin’s grave is placed in that specific spot to symbolize his position in pre-Stalin Russia (the hammer) in relation to the importance of workers movements in the United States.

This mural in no way endorses Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, Fascism, or any other isms. I also in no way endorse any of Stalin’s action while in power. My mural is meant to critique Stalin and his effects on the Spanish Civil War and Workers movements in the United States and nothing more.

Whistler intensives:

The first payment deadline is tomorrow; the registration forms are in a library.

The “Hunger Games” trivia is going to be held in a library on Wednesday. Come to the library any time on Wednesday 04/11, ask library staff for a trivia form, and check all the correct answers. There will be the price for a winner!

The Sophomore class will meet tomorrow at noon in Ken’s room. See you there!