Poetry Out Load

A national poetry recitation competition with competitions at the school, city, and state level, has allowed us a small deadline extension (until Monday) to enable Steller students to participate! We need a minimum of two high school age students willing to represent Steller; more would be great. This is a fun event, an amazing  evening out at the Anchorage-level competition, a resume builder for college applications. Students are required to memorize and recite two poems published in two time periods (the national organization provides a list and lots of helpful info). Working on your stage presence? Want a new challenge? Just love poetry? This is the event for you. Aryeh Lax, who has competed for several
years, is willing to answer all questions. Parent Andromeda Romano-Lax is keeping a list of interested students.

RESPONSE NEEDED BY SUNDAY AT THE LATEST.  Contact lax@alaska.net.  Info and amazing poetry videos at www.poetryoutloud.org.