Flu Mist Vaccinations Friday

I received word this morning that the FluMist vaccinations are in. They will be delivered to Steller Friday and administered that same day. This gives your adolescent time to recouperate over the weekend if there are any minor side effects from the immunization. Please remind him/her to see the nurse during lunch. I try to avoid scheduling these activities when the students are in class.  I am sorry, however the vaccinations are only for students. Your health care provider, numerous walk-in clinics and the pharmacy at Carrs and Fred Meyers offer them as well.

If you have not filled out a consent and want your adolescent to have the influenza nasal vaccination, please do so. Return the consent to me  by Thursday afternoon. I sent two students home this morning with fu symptoms. One had a temperature of almost 101.  I appreciate your assistance in helping keep the Students at Steller healthy.
Anne McCarron
Steller school nurse