Ad Board Meeting – Proposed Agenda Thursday, October 13, 2011

I.  Call to Order

II.  Attendance & Quorum

III.  Approval of Agenda

IV.  Approval of September Minutes

V. Steller Band Performance

VI.  Reports

A.  Principal

B.  Staff

C.  Parent Group

D,  Op Group

VII.  Old Business

VIII.  New Business

  1. Root Down
    1. Synopsis of Root Down presentations to Op group and Parent group
    2. Discussion

IX.  Announcements

A.  End of 1st Quarter – October 14th, 2011

B.  Parent Group—Wed, October 19, 6:00-7:30—Ken’s Room

C.  In-service – Fri, October 14, 2011

D.  Inservice Day October 28, 2011

E.  October 21 2011  October Dance

F.  Parent Teacher Conferences October 26 and 27, 2011.

G.  Auction – Sat, November 12th, 6-10 PM, MPR

H.  Next Meeting:   Thursday, Nov. 10th  7:00 PM – Ken’s Room

X.  Adjourn