Ad Board Minutes – September 8

Advisory Board – September 8, 2011

Notes taken by Lorryn Wilhelm and typed/edited by Ashley Van Hemert

I. Call to Order

Quorum = 14

Moved reports to II

II. Reports

a.       Dale: 280 students enrolled, we have 10 extra 9th grading, anticipating losing students to APU and AP classes in last year(s).  Patience on smart boards.  They may not be Promethium Boards but interactive projectors which are latest technology.  We have the money.

b.      Staff: Is August intensive a good idea for 2012?  Asking for feedback from students and parents about this year’s August intensive. General feedback from students is that they missed registering early and an all-school meeting/orientation.

c.       Parents: No business at parent group yet.  Auction is November 12.  Request to change by-laws so that parent group elections do not have to take place at first all-community meeting.

d.      Students: Elected officers at op. group.  Dance proposal by 8th graders for Sept.23 dance approved.  Possibility it will change to Sept.30.  Kitchen proposal from parent group approved.

III. Election of Officers

a.       Student co-chair: Ocean Saleem Jangda

b.      Parent co-chair: Madeleine Henderson

c.       Secretaries: Denise Flake and Ashley Van Hemert

d.      Chief of Operations: Lorryn Wilhelm

e.       Parliamentarian: Kristin Holzinger K’eit

f.        Archivist: Rochelle Wilhelm

IV. New Business

a.       Kitchen Proposal: use compostable paperware and silverware

b.      Goals for Ad Board

i.      Root Down – Organic lunch services and possible supplier of compostable paperware and silverware.  Dale will talk with Johanna Noble and Ocean will bring up the idea with Planet Steller.

ii.      Credit for student government.  Lorryn plans to write up a proposal.

iii.      Update by-laws.

iv.      Quorum for Ad Board

v.      Student participation

vi.      Outreach to the Alaska Native community – Kristin

vii.      Outreach to neighborhood schools – Steller students present at their former schools.

viii.      Recruitment in general

ix.      PE Equipment – grant writing