AG Announcements – 10/03/11

Reminder to students: please sign in when you arrive to school late or after an appt and also sign out when you are leaving for a scheduled appt and then making sure to sign back in when you come back to school.

New Book Fine Procedure
Effective 10/01/2011 – any student on the fine list will not be able to attend the school dances until the fine is cleared.  This includes any previous Steller students that are invited as a guest and any fines a current student owes to a previous school.
The current fine list is in the office if you would like to check for your name.  Any disputes that a book has already been returned must be worked out with the teacher who reported the book fine.
To clear a fine you have several options:
1. Return the book to the office
2. Have teacher confirm with the office book was returned
3. Pay the fine
4. Replace the book by ordering online

The band will perform for an AD Board meeting on Thursday, 10/13, from 6:30 p.m.

Second Semester Peer taught proposals need to be presented to staff on October 17th at 2:30 in Ken’s room.

7th grade class meeting in Ashley’s room at 12 on Tuesday.  We will be voting for class officers.

1) HSGQE is this week, if you have any questions see John.
2) PSAT –  Saturday, October 15th.  We only have 8 spots left.  Sign up in the office.