Gifted Mentorship Program

The Gifted Mentorship program is for the exceptional 11th and 12th grade high school student who has the self-discipline and interest to pursue independent study under the direction of a professional/expert in a field of great interest to the student.

Mentorship study programs are for high-ability, high-achieving students who often have completed all advanced coursework available at the high school level or who are currently enrolled in coursework that applies to their area of interest. The program gives motivated, mature high school students an idea of what it is like to work in a field of their interest by being teamed with a professional who acts as their mentor during a 45 to 60 hour program.

The mentor, the student, and the coordinator design a curriculum of activities and projects that expose the student to real-life work situations as well as the latest information and technology in the field. The mentorship is usually completed in ninety days. Meeting times are arranged when it works best for the mentor and the student: usually after school and on in-service days. Students receive an elective credit for the mentorship when they successfully complete a range of requirements.

The deadline for fall semester applications is September 15th.  For second semester, it’s November 15th.  The application can by downloaded from our website at:

I’ll be visiting Steller in the office area on Fridays and I am available after school and other times by appointment.  Let me know if you need anything.

Lisa Wiley
Gifted Mentorship Coordinator