Lunch and Breakfast Stash in the Nurse’s Office

It has been brought to my attention that I can request food donations from you for students who forget their lunch, don’t have money etc. I have a small stash left from last year, but will be happy to accept more.  I am receptive to anything that is healthy (fairly low in fat, sugar and sodium), that the students will eat, is in individual packets, will not take up a lot of space and does not have to be refrigerated.  Parents and  students have informed me that the items below have been supplied in the past.

Cup of Noodles
Cans of soup (with the tabs to open the can)
Chef Boyardee Beefaroni, lasagna, etc. in individual plastic containers
Individual packets of oatmeal
Fruit roll ups
Boxes of fruit juice
Granola bars
Gold Fish cracker packets

Some of the items on this list are boarderline healthy, however they are far better than soda, chips, candy, cookies, etc. If you can come up with other items that are reasonably healthy and fit the other criteria listed, then I am receptive. This is a great service for students.  We are all distracted at times and forget important things like our lunch. As we all know, students cannot concentrate if their stomach is empty. Please inform your adolescent about the service if they are new to Steller this year. Thank you for your assistance. Nurse Anne