Parents and Students,

This is a note from your school nurse, Anne. I am inviiting you to attend a fabulous powerpoint presentation by Marcus Stanfill, a Steller graduate from 1989. He will talk about a non-profit organization founded by a group of former Anchorage residents. Marcus will be at Stellar this Thursday, August 25th at 2:15 for a a short presentation. The presentation will be in the MPR and last approximately 30 minutes. Please read below to learn more about the exciting topics Marcus will address.  The following is the letter Marcus sent to our staff.

Dear Steller Faculty,

I am a Steller Alumnus from the class of 1989 and I will be in Anchorage starting next week on a fundraising junket for the international aid organization I helped found. I would like the opportunity to show Steller students the kind of impact they can make on the world. I am currently the Communications Director for Solace International, Inc.; a 501(c)(3) designated not-for-profit organization whose mission is to integrate education, healthcare, agriculture, and economic opportunity at the community level in developing countries.

Our goal is that these projects become self-sustainable, and a source for future local business and community leaders. I helped start the organization in October 2002 by managing a silent auction event on the tennis courts of the Alaska Club to raise funds to build a school for girls in Afghanistan. From those humble
beginnings, Solace has gone on to build dozens of schools, orphanages, clinics, and small businesses in fourteen developing countries across the world.

For 2011, Solace is working on the following projects around the world:

*   Ghana: Assisting a local AIDS clinic in expanding their facilities and health specialties and building an orphanage and feeding programs for orphans of AIDS.
*   Guatemala: Expanding educational, healthcare, and agricultural programs at a home for children.
*   Kenya: Developing marketing and business plans for “Fanya Mamo”, a green construction program focusing on vocational training in local schools for projects using recycled materials construction to build civic improvements in the poor areas of urban centers.
*   Liberia: Developing sustainable sanitation and water systems in the slums of Monrovia. Also developing a source of income for continuing these projects through a small business project of the sale of recycled sandals sent from the students at Niagara University, NY.
*   Malawi: Expansion of an existing fish hatchery. Also,
coordination and construction of clean water project consisting of two towers and distribution system at a campus for orphans of AIDS, the Malawi Children’s Village (Mangochi) in collaboration with Engineers without Borders, Alaska.
*   Nepal: Creation of a cottage industry and development of a variety of fair wage goods
*   Zimbabwe: Assistance in creating sustainable orphan feeding program (fish farming & permaculture).

I am certain Steller Secondary fostered the self-confidence and initiative that helped me dive into this adventure. Though the faces of the staff and faculty of the school have changed, I am certain the goal to give every Steller student the tools and encouragement to find their own path in both their lives and their education, has remained the same. I know my work in developing countries has changed the lives of thousands. I would like to share the story of my journey, the growth of Solace as an organization, and the impact of our work on the lives of children around the world. I have several PowerPoint presentations that can be tailored to fit the time available. If I can inspire one Steller student to believe in a little more in themselves and the doors their education can open, it will be an hour well spent.

I and other Solace staff will be in Anchorage from August 18th – 28th. Please feel free to email or call me if there is an opening to speak to a group of students, staff, or parents.

Best regards,

Stanfill Marcus Stanfill
Communications Director
Solace International<><>
Cell: 971-285-0662