College Night

Tuesday Sept. 9 7:00-8:30 Steller MPR

Steller parent Paula DeLaiarro ( DE-LAR-RIO) is doing a college counseling internship with Karen Emmel at Steller this fall. Paula has a BA in math from Boston College, teaching and business experience, and is currently working on her Certificate in College Counseling through UCLA extension.

Paula and Karen will introduce topics such as choosing a college, finding scholarships, and WUE. These and other topics will be further addressed in a series of college workshops on Thursdays at lunch and after school. If you have a sophomore, junior or senior interested in college we urge you and/or your student to attend.

In Addition to college night, Many colleges are coming to town in the next few months. A few will visit Steller, but more are coming to West. Following is their schedule in case you know of anyone interested. This list is also posted at the library door.

The West Career Resource Advisor, Gail Rutz, says

“Seems to be the year of the elite colleges visiting. I don’t know when again it might occur — hope students take advantage of it.”