Library Notes – April 2011

April 11-16 National Library Week

Look for activities in the Library,  including Japan Day displays on Wednesday.

Consider donating a book to the library this week.  You could choose your own favorite or add something interesting from your own collection.

Many thanks to Cheyenne Jones, Steller student,  Johanna Noble

Steller parent, Steller grad, and Author, Charles Wohlforth who recently made donations to the library.

The Steller library benefited greatly this year from the donations the community made to the Titlewave account.  57 books were added to the collection.  Does anyone out there have a copy of Garth Nix,  Keys to the Kingdom, Superior Saturday and Lord Sunday books?  We have some students looking for them, and Titlewave hasn’t gotten them in.

Library closing  –

Library book circulation will close on April 22.  All books should be returned by then.

May is intensives and the last wrap-up week, so that will provide some extra time if needed for returns.  Overdue notices will be followed by calls to parents to expedite the return of books, thereby avoiding fines.  Fines for hardback books are generally $25 unless it is a nom-fiction  book which are generally more.  Paperback books are usually $10.  You can avoid the higher fee by REPLACING a lost book.  A copy from Titlewave in good condition is perfectly acceptable.


Thanks to all the volunteers who helped in the library this year:

Alice Meyers, Beth Rademaker, Brian & Andromeda Lax, Chris Lutes, Danni Koenig, Dawnell Smith, Dionne Willis, Dorothea Aguero, Dotty Tessandore, Jacqui Bohlken, Jaime Fernandez, Jeannie Bench, Lori Ostrosky, Michelle Brannon, Michelle Meyer, Mike Harmon, Rebecca Johnson, Richard Lundgren Robert Hays, Sarah Klever, Sue Monsen, Suwadee Nitisaporn, Valerie Johnson, and Johanna Noble.

Some of you faithfully worked every other week. Many of you answered calls for substitutes and came in to keep the library open. Others helped in the background as previewers.  Your help is so necessary to the library program, and appreciated greatly by me and by every student, parent or faculty member that has access to the library because you are there.  Thank you again.


Volunteers are needed in to supervise the library both morning and afternoons during intensives. Karen is out of town.   The students aren’t doing research, but the library space and the computers are very popular.  Beth Rademaker is in charge of scheduling.



I am retiring after 12 years at Steller.  I want to thank you all who have been so gracious and helpful to me over the years.  Steller is indeed a special place and community and I feel blessed to have served here.
