Steller Staff Corner – March, 2011

Freedom, individuality, and responsibility

“Students who think and act for themselves gain the opportunity to take personal responsibility for their individual potential and for their obligations to others.” – Steller Core Values

One of the tenets of the Steller program is that young adults are capable of, and expected to, exercise responsible freedom. It was our pleasure as staff to participate as observers at the recent All School Meeting where this was very much in evidence.
Initiated and organized by senior David D. and sophomore Wright F., the meeting took place Monday morning at 8:45 until 9:20. During that time, David and Wright addressed their fellow students, explaining that they had called the meeting to discuss the recent concerns expressed by parents and students regarding the use of profanity in the student lounge – both in the music played on the stereo and in the words written on the table. The boys outlined the concerns concisely, reminding students that it is their shared responsibility to monitor the use of the stereo in keeping with Steller values and to treat our property with respect as well.

After outlining the problem, David and Wright suggested a plan of action and solicited comments from the student body. It was gratifying to see the mutual respect with which the emcees and the audience treated one another. Our students maintained an atmosphere of respect for one another’s opinion and their right to express it. Everyone listened quietly to the comments offered, by seventh and twelfth graders alike. The mere fact that they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts in such a large forum speaks volumes. The leadership of both David and Wright is an example of those same qualities we strive to help each of our students attain.

After the serious discussion came to a close we were treated to an original film produced in the Movie Production class, taught by seniors Corey P, Evan R, and junior Alex M. and starring senior Taran H. The students’ desire to share their creative talents for the enjoyment of the community was the perfect ending to a well-organized, thoughtfully presented and skillfully orchestrated gathering. It was a proud moment for all of us.