Advisory Group Announcements: 28 March 2011

Leigh Anne and Jen are doing A New to Steller Student Orientation for their fall intensive and are looking for students to help out in the facilitating of the Intensive. If you are interested please let Leigh Anne or Jen know.

Senior Meeting : Tuesday Nina’s room at lunch. OVERNIGHTER planning. It’s only 10 days away! Please ask your parents/guardians to check the FLASH/ Website for the Chaperone volunteer form! No chaperones, no Activity night!

7th grade class meeting Tuesday at noon. Bob’s room.

Op Group reps: you should have found Overnighter/Activity Night permission slips in your Ad Group mailbox. They are due back by April 5th so be sure to get those babies home, signed and back in!

Greece travel meeting on Wednesday at noon in Philips room. Come get information about next year’s intensive to Greece. We will be going over the itinerary and cost.

If you are interested in producing a Public Service Announcement for publication, pls ask your advisor to play the example forwarded to them this morning.

Sophomores!!! Please pick up a Sophomore Day Permission Slip (orange slip – in the main hall by the office & white board) and have it returned to Nurse Wendy by Tuesday, 4/12/2011.

Ken is still trying to put a travel trip together for August and is looking for suggestions. Hawaii and Cordova have been suggested. If these have any appeal to you or you have other ideas, please come to a meeting in Ken’s room on Wednesday at noon.

Counseling groups need to get their auction baskets together ASAP. Please choose a theme and get your items in by Wednesday this week. We’ll need a list of the items in the basket and their value included with the basket.

A handful of 7th and 10th graders still need to complete health screenings…Please check the list on the white board and come see me ASAP…THANKS! – Nurse Wendy