Advisory Group Announcements: 22 February 2011

Please return books you have finished.

Those of you  who have checked out the Lifetime Personal Fttness books please be sure you know where the books is.  If you are no longer using it, finish & return.

The ninth grade class will be meeting in Ken’s room tomorrow at lunch to
discuss our support for the upcoming Steller Auction. See you there!

Come join Ken and Danielle for a 6-day, 5-night canoe trip down on one of the most scenic stretches of river in the West outside of the Grand Canyon. Labyrinth Canyon on the Green River presents tremendous opportunities to learn about the plants, animals, history, culture, and the water issues associated with the high desert of the Colorado Plateau. We’ll camp along the river, taking day hikes into the hinterlands, as we mimic the same experience as the early river explorers to this area, such as John Wesley Powell. If you’re looking for an adventure for the fall intensive, this is it. We’ll have an organizational meeting Monday (today) in Ken’s room at noon. See you there.

Any one interested in travel next year with Philip and Leigh Anne should stop by and vote for the destination that they would like  to travel to. We have narrowed the search down to two places, a service trip to Dominica and a history trip to Greece.  Swing by  Philips room sometime this week to view the full itineraries, pricelists  and cast your vote for where you would like to travel.

Steller’s MAD will meet in Nurse Wendy’s office today for a progress meeting.