Steller Parent Meeting Minutes – February 9, 2011

Helen Sharratt
Joe Banta
Wendy Woolf
Patti R
Rebecca Johnson
Mark Thorndike
J. Froehlich
Pat Galvin


Principal   – Got four applications at the alternative fair last weekend.  They will turn in packet if want to come to Steller.  Announcement on KSKA talking about the open house.  Blurb in Anchorage Daily News date book.  Winterberry wants to use our building in the evenings and use our MPR when we are not using it.  Conversation ongoing with Aquarian’s principal about having their science fair in our MPR.  ASD Crossroads program for pregnant teens and mothers – they are going to have their prom at our school.  Putting out feelers to tap into kids that are motivated and care about education.   Some kids have left Steller, some deselected and some because they pursued an interest at another school.  When we get them we have to keep them.  What to do to attract them?  Once they are here, what will we do to keep them?


No staff representative present.  John came to talk about TOB and the kitchen.

Op Group

No op group rep present

Treasurer – Rebecca could not make this meeting.  Sent her report and Joe reviewed balance sheet and P&L.  Rebecca also wanted to set another date for a brainstorming auction meeting,  Ninth grade advisors and those with past auction experience should attend. Cheryl Brooking has volunteered. This is a busy time of year for Rebecca (CPA) and it overlaps with auction.

Rebecca also wants to form a committee for travel scholarships.  Joe will suggest that

Rebecca will bring this up at her auction meeting.

Auction Meeting was scheduled for 6:00 p.m.  on Tuesday, Feb 16 Tuesday.

Joe will put this out for Rebecca and advisors, during Conference week, and on the Flash.  Rochelle will put on Flash to get Ninth grade parents here.

Old Business


Rochelle – each morning parents have been there, tremendous response from parents and very few empty spots. Eliza reports they have been able to open every day.  John mentioned more equipment.  We still have $450 for TOB.

Kitchen Policy: Rochelle drafted a policy – on back of agenda.  Rochelle believes that an adult should be in the kitchen during the dances, separate from the chaperones.  Harlod agrees.

Suggestions include a log for kitchen use?  There is a calendar on kitchen door currently.

If there is log to have users sign in and out and kitchen not left clean, then we would know who to contact. First Aid – will have nurse work on this. Need some instructions, numbers to call for emergencies after school nurse hours.

Harlod – building rentals are in charge of what is allowed and rental terms for outside schools coming in and using MPR and kitchen, etc.  John will take the kitchen policy to staff and op group and will ask Wendy to add safety policy.  Harlod will check on ASD policies re. kitchen use and safety.

Auction: volunteers needed!  Next meeting is Feb 16 at 6:00 p.m. Auction date is Saturday March 26 from four to ten p.m.  We have permit from 10 a.m. onwards to set up

Recruitment and Retention: Joe wants to keep this item on the agenda.

Open House: ice cream social is 6:30 to 8 p.m. tomorrow, Thursday Feb 10 – got a lot of interest last year. Rochelle needs volunteers for ice cream social.  Steller has all kinds of options – full access to other schools and parents need to know this. Students can be based at Steller, where their academic advisor knows them very well and can help them, whereas at larger schools, 100s of students to one counselor.  Integration into community needs to be communicated.  Retention is an issue.  Want kids to stay as they mature so they can contribute to the community.

Alumni section for Flash idea: Come up with list of places Steller graduates who have gone on to college, or other, and careers.  This could be part of open house on and Flash.  We could feature a graduate on the Flash and archive testimonials for parents to look at. Would need permission to use names – don’t need names – just colleges and what alumni are doing and scholarships and fellowships awarded.  An alumni section for Flash would be a good idea.

John will work on this with Wendy Woolf.

Table in commons area:

Harlod shows photos of graffiti on the table.  This would not be encouraging for new parents at the open house tomorrow. Harlod reviews problem with stereo and his removal of it.  Students need to come up with a plan to get it back.  We need to foster leadership among the students. Role modeling.

Lengthy discussion of how to handle the table followed. Writing on table is supposed to be a form of self expression and to be appropriate.  If they abuse privilege, then the table should not be available to students.  Creativity is allowed but self censorship is part of responsibility to others.  There is a learning opportunity here for students to learn that responsibility goes with the freedom.  Writing is offensive and creates a hostile environment for students.  This type of graffiti violates ASD policy re: discrimination and bullying.  Need to give students chance to fix the problem and self police.


Parent Group supports the school administration with efforts to clean up any inappropriate graffiti (starting with the writing on the table in the lounge).  The Steller Community fosters and encourages student creativity and self-expression.  However, that self-expression must remain within the bounds of acceptable standards of decency.

We will use this opportunity to wipe the slate clean (let the students clean and repaint the table).  It will stay in the lounge as long as it remains free of obscene/offensive/violent images or words.  If such content is written on the table, and remains on the table for more than a day, then the table will be removed from the lounge. Once the table is removed the first time, it can be returned if the student op group formulates standards and guidelines for use of the table and self-policing by the students.  If the guidelines are acceptable, then the table will be returned. If the table returns, and the guidelines are violated, the table will be removed for the remainder of the school year. This avoids the perception of unfair unilateral action by either the Principal or the parents, and puts the onus on the students to self- police and keep the table clean or it will be removed.

Moved and approved unanimously:

Parent group recommends we give them a chance, we begin over, we wipe slate clean, clean table, let students know they have ability to use it again, if anything on there for more than a day, it will be removed from the lounge area until Harlod receives guidelines on how to stop this from occurring that the students sign off on.  Also need to take into account the ASD policy.

Parent Survey: Put on Flash for comment.

Steller Facility upgrades: Helen summarized meeting and tour with Joe, Harlod and Brad Harris.

Rochelle – have students, parents and staff come up with a wish list and then prioritize to build consolidated list.


To ask students, parents and staff for a wish list for short and long term needs.

Seconded and Passed.

John will bring it to staff. The Steller Improvement Wish List will be brought to the next all community meeting

Strategic Plan: Some key issues have been added, such as the need to upgrade facilities. This will be sent to staff, students, and be brought to the all community meeting.

There was a question on what is being done to replace Nina for Spanish?  A parent will be on hiring committee.  We need Nina’s input.  We need to continue strong Spanish program.

New Business

Newsletter editor needed.  Karen Glavinic has been doing this for years, but since her son is graduating this year, Steller needs to find someone new to put the monthly Ole Steller Yeller together.

This is not the website, just the newsletter.  She has developed a “how to” list for doing this.  Will post this opportunity to the Flash.

Joe led a discussion on the problem of lunches and personal items such as IPods disappearing.   Harlod – suspension will result if he can prove theft.  There have been no suspensions this year.


Steller directory has been distributed.

Next Parent Meeting:  March 2, 2011 from 6:00 to 7:30, Ken’s Room.

Per Flash – All Community Meeting sponsored by Op Group, will be Thursday, March 24, 6:30-8:30 pm MPR.