Advisory Group Announcements – February 14, 2011

This is a reminder that on Thursday 2/17, KCC PM STUDENTS WILL ATTEND KCC from 8-10 am.

Families should sign up for conferences via the ASD Webpage
February 16
THE MARINE ANIMALS THAT BEAR HIS NAME. will be presented at 7pm at the BLM Campbell Creek Science Center. Georg Steller was the physician and naturalist on Vitus Bering’s second expedition to search for the connection between Asia and North America. Along the way, Steller became the first Westerner to collect and scientifically describe numerous animals and plants, including the first scientific accounts of the Steller sea lion, the northern fur seal, the sea otter, and the Steller’s sea cow. A few of these species, like Steller himself, did notsurvive for  long after that fateful voyage and others have recently been threatened with extinction.  Join us as RUSS ANDREWS of the Alaska Sealife Center and the School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, UAF, shares more about Steller’s discoveries, discusses more recent scientific research conducted on many of these same species in far eastern Russia and Alaska, and describes the high-tech equipment that is enabling scientists to increase our understanding of the animals that have fallen under Steller’s curse. Please call 267-1241 for more information.

Senior Class meeting Tuesday at 11:45 in Nina’s room:  /Graduation order/Sweatshirts/Overnighter/Funds dispersment

Model UN meets today at noon in Ken’s room. See you there.

If you haven’t made your travel plans for the August intensive next year, now is the time! Danielle and Ken are sponsoring a trip to the Colorado Plateau in Utah which will include a five-night, six-day canoe/camping trip through majestic Labyrinth Canyon on the Green River and a day trip to the Fiery Furnace in Arches National Park. Come hear the details on Wednesday at noon in Ken’s room.

The February Creative Commons will be postponed until a later date, which is yet to be determined.  This is due to a very busy February and lack of commitment.

NO supplies are to be taken from the art room!  The art budget is very small, and it comes out of students’ class fees.  We can not supply materials for every project in the school.  Please respect Steller’s Art Program.   If you have any materials which you have forgotten to return (i.e. Colored pencils, glue sticks, scissors, etc…) please return them to Alayne, and she will be happy to receive them with no questions asked.  Thanks!

We are still looking for students interested in presenting a 2-3 minute speech on  “The value of Steller and the impact it has made on my life,” to be presented at a ceremony honoring the founder of our school in late March.  See Linda asap if you are interested!

Steller’s My Anti-Drug Club will meet today at noon in nurse Wendy’s office.  Anyone is welcome ;D