Parent Meeting Notes – January 13, 2011

Staff reps – Jen and Natalie

PG reps – Rebecca, Rochelle, Joe

Parents attending – about one dozen

Summary and Actions:

Recruitment and retention – upcoming efforts on this subject:

Alternative School Fair: Students and parents are needed to help at the Steller table on Sat. Feb. 5 from 10 AM to 3 PM at the Boniface Center.  The Steller Open House (ice cream social) is set for 6:30 to 8 PM Feb. 10 (Th.).

Grading/Transcripts – Staff has drafted requesting that the district allow the alternative schools to put together an alternative schools class catalog that would better provided for class descriptions and help colleges understand more about our alternative classes on transcripts.

Parent Group unanimously approved two proposals from Op Group.

– credit for student government participation

– homework extension policy.  This is for days when there are evening meetings such as Ad Board, All Community meetings, etc.

Temple of the Bean has restarted and they need an adult present to open up shop.  They run daily for three time slots – 7:45 to 8:30 AM, 11:50 to 12:30PM and 2:10 to 300 PM.

Auction – Parent volunteers are really needed to help with the auction please contact

Meeting Details:

Agenda Review

Op Group request to add a request for review of two new polices to the agenda.

Principal’s Report

Harlod was not able to make the meeting and did not provide a written report.

Staff Report – Jen and Natalie

Also asked to add Senior Announcements to the agenda.

Recruitment and retention

Staff reps reported that they had begun discussing the issue and were beginning to plan the “evening ice cream social” open house that had gone so well last year.  And, they were beginning to organize for the Alternative School Fair.  Students and parents are needed to help at the Steller table on Sat. Feb. 5 from 10 AM to 3 PM at the Boniface Center.  The group discussed the issue further and let the staff reps know that PG had asked for a joint committee of staff, students and parents to work on the subject as PG considered it the single most important issue for Steller for the next year.  The group also discussed other ideas such as posting flyers everywhere free message boards are available such as coffee shops, schools, etc., parent to parent discussions along with the thought that all ideas should be brought forward and discussed.

Grading/transcript program

Staff reps explained that course titles aren’t getting on the transcripts and this doesn’t really describe the unique nature of Steller, or the individual class and its difference from run of the mill classes. It has been very difficult to get unique course titles.  Most often the district denies requests for a new title and tells our teachers to use an existing title.  So, a letter has been drafted requesting that the district allow the alternative schools to put together an alternative schools class catalog that would better provided for class descriptions and help colleges understand more about our alternative classes on transcripts.  This seems like a positive way forward.

When developing requests for volunteers, such as the participation in the alternative ed fairs, it would be great to provide a link or email address for specifically who to sign up with, i.e., email so and so…

Steller Open House (ice cream social) is set for 6:30 to 8 PM Feb. 10 (Th.).

Op Group – Eliza

One new mural has been proposed and accepted.

Two new proposals.  Eliza provided handouts and explained the two proposals.

– credit for student government

– homework extension policy.  This is for days when there are evening meetings such as Ad Board, All Community meetings, etc.

The Parent Group passed both proposals with unanimous approval.

Temple of the Bean has restarted and they need an adult present to open up shop.  They run daily for three time slots – 7:45 to 8:30 AM, 11:50 to 12:30PM and 2:10 to 300 PM.  They will put this request on the Flash.  The plan on putting their profits back into the school – first they’ll make an effort to pay back Op Group and PG for the startup funds, then possibly fund clubs in school or a scholarship, but they are still looking at these later options.

Old Business

Auction – Parent volunteers are really needed to help with the auction please contact Rebecca Martin  (rmartin@ak-estate-

Strategic Planning – A meeting will be scheduled before the next all-community meeting.

The new Steller Directory is ready for printing  – Many Thanks to Wendy for putting it together.

Talent and Desert Night – Jan 28  from 7 to 9  PM.  Families are being asked to bring desserts.

Senior Announcements – There is an option to do these announcements locally  (not using Jostens) and some funds will come back to our school.