Advisory Group Announcements: 10 January 2011

Seniors:  Tomorrow there will be a working lunch meeting.  We will have pizza and meet with the rep from Jostens about ordering graduation announcements.  We’ll also discuss Prom, graduation order, senior will, sweatshirt orders, and a possible skit at the Talent Show.  Please be sure to come at 11:45 on the dot! In Nina’s room.

Junior class meeting tomorrow in Jen’s room.

Philip is traveling next year and will be presenting and brainstorming  opportunities for travel tomorrow. At the meeting we will be  looking for input on where students would like to go. If you are thinking about traveling in March next year swing by Philip’s room at noon on Tuesday for our first informational meeting.

Tuesday evening:  Panama Trip Parent Mtg.  Please check emails for details!

Wednesday:  Panama Trip student meeting in Jen’s room at noon sharp.

Attention Middle School Girls:  Want to spend a day hanging out with other girls and learning about exciting careers in math?  Then attend the Girl’s Conference on January 22nd.  See Jen for details or to turn in your registration packet, which you received in the mail.

The Young Environmental Photographer of the Year competition is divided into two groups, one open to anyone under the age of 16 and the other open to those aged between 16 and 21. Photographers are encouraged to highlight issues important to their generation, explore their place in society or celebrate people, places and animals that they value. This competition actively encourages entries from beginners, as well as photography students.   Details and Deadlines are available on The Flash.

Don’t get The Flash???  Then sign up today in the computer lab!  Go to , click on The Flash, go to the left hand margin and sign up under “subscribe to daily email updates”.

Model United Nations
Ever wanted to represent the interests of your country on the world stage. The Alaska Model United Nations provides that opportunity and Steller has a long history of participation in this state-wide event. If you are interested in debate and learning more about international issues, please attend a meeting today (Monday) at noon in Ken’s room. You’ll get all the information about dates, fees, and activities.  See you there.

Gay-Straight Alliance
Interested in promoting good relations among all student groups? We are currently in the process of reviving the GSA and we need students’ support. If you are interested, please attend an informational meeting this Wednesday at noon in Ken’s room.

Steller will administer the School Climate survey; check with your advisory to see if you will be doing it as a group or at home.  For those who wish to access the survey at home:


  • Have students log into their Zangle Student Connect and click on the grades 5-12 student survey link that shows up on the first page.
  • This survey should take approximately 20 minutes.

Talent Show will be Jan 28th! Tryouts are Wed. Jan. 19th after school at 2:30!

WorkKeys for Seniors on January 27th.

February Creative Commons:

On Friday, February 25th, we will be celebrating the love of words, images, music, and dance with the second Creative Commons.  The  theme is poetry.  We will be hosting a poetry slam, reveling in the dedicated spoken word from the Poetry Out-Loud finalists, enjoying poetry to music, and viewing visual arts in conjunction with poems or written word.

Anybody wishing to perform should prepare for preliminary auditions on February 1st and 2nd after school.

Visual artists and poets are encouraged to work together to create words and images, which fit together.  For example, a painting which interprets a poem, a poem which interprets a painting, or a poem and a painting which were designed together to express one theme.  (You could be both the visual artist and the poet.)  Artwork will be collected on February 15th and must have a completed entry form attached.

Other works and performances, which do not pertain to the poetry theme will also be accepted.

See Alayne, a Creative Commons Committee Member, or advertisements for details.


MATHCOUNTS Competition is a national middle school coaching and competitive mathematics program with four levels of competition-school, chapter (local), state and national. Consisting of fun and creative problems that promote critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, the MATHCOUNTS competitions have written and oral rounds, as well as individual and team components. MATHCOUNTS Club opens to 7th and 8th grade and will meet twice a week at noon in Shanley/DanLu’s room. If you are interested, please sign up with your advisor and come to the meeting at noon on Tuesday, Jan 11.