Blood Drive Information

Dear Steller Community,

Steller is all about giving back to the community and so I would like to set up the first ever Steller blood drive, as part of the Blood Bank of Alaska sponsored High School Challenge. This program is aimed at recruiting donors and helping schools set up blood drives. In order for a blood drive to occur I need a minimum of 24 students — healthy, 16+, over 113 lbs— who are willing to commit to giving blood.  I have attached both the Parent consent form and Donor Commitment forms as, students under the age of 18 must have a consent form signed. Parents and Siblings you are welcome to give blood as well provided you meet the previously stated requirements.

The blood drive would occur during 4th quarter in either the LIFEMobile or the MPR depending on donor turnout. Donating blood takes 45- 60 minutes in total at a rate of about 5-7 minutes per pint. Every student who registers to donate blood will receive a free Alaska High school Challenge T-shirt. Students who give blood more than once will also receive a certificate of achievement. Students who can’t donate blood can sign up to help during the blood drive.

Steller is the only school in the Anchorage area that doesn’t donate blood annually, please help me put an end to that trend and give back to the community. If you want to help please contact me at

Thank you very much,

Julie Adelman


Blood Bank of Alaska:

Eligibility information:

Parent consent form:

Donor Commitment Sheet:

High School Challenge Sign Up form:

Help during Blood drive form:

Scheduling a blood drive: