Banned Books 2010

As was reported in last month’s Ole Steller Yeller, Steller Secondary School and Barnes and Noble hosted its fourth annual “Banned Books Read-Out-Loud” at Barnes and Noble on Saturday, October 2, 2010. In conjunction with this year’s Banned Books Read-Out, Barnes and Noble also hosted a Book Fair for Steller at their flagship Northern Lights store on the same day. Many Steller students and staff helped encourage shoppers to mention “Steller,” at the check out through sharing their particular talents.  In fact, Steller raised over $750.00 thanks to all the support and hard work from our community.   Thanks to everyone for supporting this successful event!  The money will be used to expand our English department library,  and some memorable photos from both events that day follow.  (Click image to enlarge.)


Linda Samorajski, MSCP
School Counselor and
School Business Partnership Coordinator