Advisory Group Announcements – 11/15/10

Deadline to sign up a Dance Visitor is tomorrow at noon!!!!

Horror Films Intensive.  Reminder your permission slip and class fee are due tomorrow.  Failure to turn those in could result in you being dropped from the class.  Also there will be a short meeting on Friday at noon to discuss movie choices.

If you are taking Leigh Anne’s Fiber Arts Intensive, the class fee is due by Nov. 29th.

·     7th & 8th grade students interested in MathCounts please see Danlu.

·     students interested in participating in “Poetry Out Loud” get with your favorite Language Arts Teachers and encourage them to sponsor a team!!!


go to for details

·     seniors, don’t forget to sign up for the free car from Continental Subaru, see  info place on the FLASH and around the building

·     Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Program go to for more info

·     Still time to sign up for the Chinese class for next semester, see sign up sheet next to the whiteboard

Do you like poetry? Do you want a chance at winning a college scholarship?
Poetry Out Loud is a national competition for high school students that
covers the memorization and recitation of poems from around the world, past
and present. If you are interested in learning more, come to an
informational meeting this Wednesday at noon in Bob’s room. Or, talk to Bob
or Danielle.

What:     Volunteer at the Private reception for military families
When:    Friday, November 26, 2010
Time:      2:30 – 5:30 pm
Where:  Discovery Theater at the PAC (Alaska Ctr for Performing Arts)

Help tiny tots with crafts at the Military Reception from 2:30 – 5:30 pm at the Performing Arts Center prior to the Holiday Tree Lighting on Friday,  November 26, the day after Thanksgiving.  See Linda if you would like to volunteer for this fun and festive community event!

We need up to 8 Steller volunteers to work as “Craft Coordinators” at the reception by:

·     Organizing the  crafts provided and assisting children attending the reception with their craft projects, then helping box up the crafts at 5:00 pm; you are then free to attend the Holiday Tree Lighting ceremony outside – from 5:30 – 6:15 pm

·     Attire:  casual, but look presentable

·     Let Linda know you are interested – she will take the first 8 names and have a waiting list in case more are interested

Woodworking intensive members please see Gerald at lunch today.  This includes all that asked to join the intensive last week.

·     Please remind students that their clothing needs to be hung up on a hook.

·     backpacks, books, notebooks need to be up against a wall underneath a hook

·     no storage of items inside a doorway or on windowsills

Remind students that this was a directive by the fire marshal and we need to comply or get fined.

Close Up will meet this Friday @ noon in Ken’s class. Be sure to be there.