Op Group Meeting Minutes- November 11, 2010

I.     Call to order & quorum (19)

Missing reps from: Alayne (middle school), Bob (high school), Danielle (middle school), Gerald/Svetlana (high school), Jen (middle school and high school), Philip (middle school), Shanley (high school), and Troy (middle school)

II.     Approval of agenda

III.     Master of Coin’s report- none

IV.     Old Business-none

V.     New Business

a)     Blood Drive

The proposal:

Whereas Steller Secondary School is the only high school in the Anchorage area that does not participate in a blood drive,

Whereas Steller Secondary School is committed to giving back to the community,

Whereas a minimum of 24 students must be willing to donate blood in order to organize a blood drive,

Let it be resolved that this proposal go back to Advisory Groups in order to judge student interest in a Steller blood drive.

For more information go to www.bloodbankofalaska.org only students age 16 and over can participate (and only if they are over 113 lbs.). Parental consent is required for students under the age of 18. Any students who are interested in participating give your name to you advisor and make sure the results get to the next meeting so that Julie Adelman can get them.

-     Passed with no opposition

b)     Temple of the Bean

The proposal:

Whereas many students are involved in getting Temple of the Bean up and running,

Whereas an intensive is being held to train students to work in TOB,

Whereas we need a working espresso machine in order to make coffee,

Whereas Op Group has always been very gracious with giving funds to groups that will benefit the school,

Therefore be it resolved that Op Group give $600 to the Temple of the Bean to be used in the repair and restoration of the espresso machine. Any unused money will be returned to Op Group. (As a note: TOB is asking for half of the repair funds from Op Group and half of the funds from Parent Group.)

The funding from parent group was already approved.

-     Sent back to advisory groups for discussion and vote.

c)     Film Club

The proposal:

Whereas Steller has recently formed art club and is adding more arts to culture itself, I would like to propose that Op Group allow the formation of Film Club, which would help to spread further interest in the film making industry within Steller. Film Club already has permission from Alayne to use her room on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:15-3:55. Film club will not be requesting any funds from Op Group now or in the near future.

Film club will be open to all grades.

-     Passed with no opposition

VI.     Reports

a)     Staff

Philip is traveling for 2011-2012 intensives. See poster in the hallway.

b)     Principal

Any students who are interested in getting involved in re-establishing GSA, see Ken or Harlod.

November 15th is recycling day. Any questions, see Harlod.

Belin-Blank talent searches and summer programs are being offered. See Harlod for more info.

c)     Parent Group-none

VII.     Announcements

Dance on Friday, the 19th. Guest sign-up closes on Tuesday the 16th.

All Community Meeting Thursday, the 18th at 6:00! Be there!

VIII.     Adjourn