Community Cafe

The World Café describes community cafés this way:

“Awakening & engaging collective intelligence through conversations about questions that matter.”

Does the idea of using a community café to explore family involvement at Steller appeal to you?  Be part of a hosting team for a café conversation at Steller. Steller’s first café will take place on October 12th, beginning at 6:30 pm. The hosting team will need to commit to two lunch meetings 10/1 and 10/7 (one hour each – pizza provided) to plan the café, invite friends, and set up for the evening of fun, conversations and ideas for family partnering in support of student learning. We hope to gather a few students, parents and any staff who would like to be a part of Steller’s hosting team. Please call Alyse at 884-2299, sign up at school, in the hallway or via email to  Please respond by 9/29 so we know what kind of pizza to order. Partnering to Support Student Learning is the tentative topic for our first café, but we hope you will share other ideas at the planning table.  More information will be coming your way in the coming weeks.  Please stay posted.