Peace Garden Harvest

A handful of Stellerites have been busy gardening this summer, and we are planning to harvest our crops this Sunday. We will meet at the garden at 12 noon, ready to get dirty. Anyone interested in the Steller Ecological Society garden Club is welcome to join us. Family members are welcome and encouraged.

Despite the rains of July, the Peace Garden has thrived this summer, and the flowers are at their peak. If you haven’t seen the garden, take a peek at the south end of the parking lot. We’ve grown over 25 different kinds of herbs and vegetables, and a rainbow of flowers.

You may have seen us at the Spenard Farmer’s Market, where we have sold our veggie starts and produce. We’ve purchased 4 fruit trees with our profits. We can use extra help digging holes and planting these new trees into the ground.

Community/school gardening is great because we all share the workload and it seems more like fun because we do it together.

We invite you to join us Sunday, September 12 at 12 noon in the garden!

Any questions call Amy at 562-3966