Rotary Loussac Library Project

If you haven’t heard the exciting news, Loussac Library is in the process of planning a teen area slated to open next summer (thanks to the Anchorage Rotary)!! But we can’t and don’t want to do it without your input. Please click on the link below and take our short survey on how you currently use the library and what you’d like to see in a teen area. Then send the link to your friends for their input. We’re looking for a really good sample of the likes, dislikes, wants, and needs of teens with regards to their library use; so help us get the word out. Let me know if you have any questions about the survey. It’s set up so that your answers are completely anonymous. The Library’s Teen Advisory Board will pick the winning name (see survey question #9).

To learn more about the project, go to:

Here’s the survey: