BBQ & All Community Meeting Agenda

Thursday, August 26

5:00-5:45—BBQ with burgers, hot dogs, potluck side dishes (hopefully outdoors). Everyone eats and socializes.

6:00 ish—Everyone moves inside, grabs dessert, and makes their way to Advisory Groups to meet their Advisors, and other parents in their group.  Advisors can recruit Parent Liaisons, talk about nature of AGs if they wish.

6:15—Everyone moves to the MPR for the All Community Meeting. We’ll have tables set up for Directory, Flash, eScrip, and Volunteer sign-ups.

6:30—Meeting called to order.

1)     Opening remarks—Harlod

a)     Staff Introductions

2)     Parent Group—Rochelle Wilhelm

a)     Steller Websites

b)     Directory &Volunteer opportunities—Wendy Woolf

c)     Donations—Rebecca Martin

d)     eScrip—Traci Caves

3)     AD Board—Elizabeth Grover

a)     Present current Ad Board members & nominees

i)     Traci Caves, Renee Evans, Ellen Lance, Joan Kulish, Leslie Pate, Denise Flake, Elizabeth Grover

b)     Entertain nominations from the floor for 1 rep & 3 alternates—2 seats must be filled by new-to-Steller parents.

c)     Vote to Install Ad Board

4)     Announcements

a)     Kitchen Purge

b)     Parent Group meets Wednesday, Sept 15 6:00-7:30

c)     Open House Thursday, Sept 16 6:00-7:00

d)     Ad Board meets Thursday, Sept 16 7:00-8:00

7:30 Business Meeting officially adjourned.

Parent Group members will linger to answer questions, continue discussion, or address concerns.