Letter From Jean

The reason I have accepted a new position with the district is not because I do not love Steller. Odd as this may sound, I am leaving because I love Steller. What I love the most about my Steller job is my role as an advisor, giving me the opportunity to mentor students. There is nothing more satisfying than having a student contact me years after graduation to tell me they decided to become an Air Traffic controller because of the Aviation class they took from me, or that they are in Architecture school, because of what they learned in my Intensive. I have even had a few artists graduate from Art school because I was able to help them get scholarships based on the quality of their work.

When the position for a full-time mentorship coordinator opened, it was difficult for me not to consider it. I think of it as a “senior project” (also known as) a “passage” for me… something I am willing to explore even if it means I have to get out of my comfort zone. If you want to learn more about senior projects/passages, ask Philip, Bob or Leigh Anne – they have been working hard to get this program in place for our students at Steller.

I plan to stay connected to Steller. I plan to help with the Auction and with all the other great activities that make Steller so special.  If I can, I will offer an intensive, if my new boss will let me get away with that!

As soon as my position is filled and that teacher has a chance to get comfortable, I will take over Lisa’s position as the Mentorship Coordinator at Steller – in other words, I will be around.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell everyone that Steller will always be home for me. In the spirit of what we preach to students  – “take chances – stretch yourself” – this is what I am doing by accepting this new position. Wish me luck.
