Important: Schedule Change

Hello to you all and I hope everyone had a safe and exciting summer.

We are getting very excited to see each of you tomorrow.

However, there is one caveat we had not counted on that will change how Friday looks.

Jean has taken another job.  This was a very late notification and I had to try and get an Art person ASAP.  The good news is that we will have someone teaching 6 classes of Art.

I have posted a new schedule of classes and a new schedule for orientation.  Please take a look at the class schedule and begin to think about what you would like to take.

I am very optimistic that this is going to a very good year.  We have been working very hard getting everything ready for your return.

There are still some major projects that are  under construction but, once finished will greatly enhance your experience at Steller.  One project that is nearing completion is our kitchen.  Although we have the same basic footprint in our kitchen the materials and appliances are all new and quite nice.  I am sure we will enjoy cooking in there for some time to come.

The other project is the new computer lab.  This lab will be for “classroom” use.  Teachers will sign up their classes when the need arises.  We will still have the old computer lab that will remain an open lab that can be accessed at anytime.

Because of the new lab and the power it will require to run both labs we ask that you do not play computer games anywhere in the school. Games overload our system and can make it impossible to use the computers for research and class projects.  We ask that you do not download games or bring them from home to use in either of the labs, the classrooms, or on your own personal computer.

In addition we have another relo that will house Leigh Anne’s classes because she gave up her room for the benefit of the school so that the new lab could be built.  All of her classes will be in relo 1.  Relo 2 now houses the Russian classes. Band will still remain in relo 1.

We have lots of good things planned such as trips, fieldtrips and guest speakers just to name a few.

Again, please remember that Friday is a registration day there will be no classes.
