Parent Group Meeting – Thursday, April 15, 2010

Welcome: 7:07


Ad Board: Staff presented a written proposal for an ASD credit by attending Ad Board. The credits could be earned in Student Government or Community Involvement. This will be optional.

Op Group: Op group is in the process of approving the photos of the murals by the Steller students. History of some of the murals was discovered while photographing the murals. One of the murals was done during an activity night years ago. This information sparked the idea to do a new mural during this years activity night.

No Treasures Report: No Principals Report

Staff: The staff is continuing to work on the Advisory Handbook. There was a survey completed by the students to find out what the students feel is or is not working in their Advisory Groups. The results will be completed in a week. A survey for the parents will be circulated by the Flash and then mailed back to the school or handed in to the office. The survey is in the process of being written.

Old Business:

Auction Proceeds: The Auction made over $10,000. Money is still coming in from items that are still being picked up. A post action meeting will be held next week. The purpose of the meeting is to complete a handbook which will be placed on the Steller website for future auctions. Job descriptions and timelines will be included in the handbook.

The school needs to apply for a gaming permit for next year.

Advisory Groups:

A suggestion was made that Advisory Groups have more structure, for example a common reading or discussion of a current affair. A comment was made that the new teachers should know before they accept employment at Steller what their extra duties will be in Advisory Group. Nina said that the goal was to have the Advisory Handbook completed by the beginning of the next school year.

New Business:

Parent Teacher Conferences will follow the ASD schedule next year. On May 20th the returning students will have pre-registration for the fall classes. The new 7th graders will register for classes at their interviews. A parent requested that the 7th grade parents fill out the information for the student directory. She will work on the directory over the summer. Her plan is to have it ready so at fall registration individuals will only have to check to see if all the information is correct.

Whither Parent Group? Parents and Staff were asked to share their opinion of the Parent Group duties.

Two letters from parents were introduced discussing their vision of the Parent Group. The Staff introduced a wish list that they would like to see Parent Group be in charge of: See Attachments  1) Whither Parent Group and Staff wish list 2) Alyse Letter

Recruiting parent liaison, parent volunteers, and job descriptions: Two Advisory groups do not have a parent liaison. There was discussion on how to involve more parents. Some parents felt there was not enough communication or requests for volunteers. A suggestion was made to have job descriptions for every volunteer position in writing and on the web site.

A comment was made to have the new parents to Steller be aware of the 10 hour volunteer request per year during the interview. Another suggestion was to assign a mentor to new families.

Also to have parents chair each volunteer category. The chairs will be in charge of contacting each parent who signed up to volunteer in that particular category.

Meetings calendar for next year was presented. Ad Board and Parent Group will meet on the same day next year. Meetings will be every other month. See Attachment: 2010-11 luncheon and meeting schedule

Back to School BBQ and All Community Meeting: A suggestion was made to have a fair during the BBQ. There could be booths with parents available to answer questions about our school. For instance, an Auction booth, Ad Board, Parent Group, and Op Group booths etc. Another suggestion was made to have the all community meeting focus on the new parents orientation.

ASD Math Competition: A motion was made for $25 to fund lunch for the students attending the ASD Math competition. Motion was seconded. All in favor. Motion Passed.


Ad Board Meets Thursday, April 22, 6pm.

Teacher Appreciation Lunch will be Wednesday, April 28 sponsored by Troy’s group

Next Parent Group Meets Thursday May 13

Spring Prom, Saturday, May 1

Steller Olympics, Monday May 17

Presentation Day, Tuesday May18, 8-11:30

Graduation, Tuesday, May18 (3)pm

Adjournment: 8:47pm

Minutes submitted by Dorothy Higginbotham