Changing the Future…A conversation about teen pregnancy and access to healthcare services

“Changing the Future…A conversation about teen pregnancy and access to healthcare services”  is happening on May 1st from 1-3 pm.   It is open to teens 14-18 (although if there is a teen who you know would do a fantastic job contributing, and they are slightly older, they are also encouraged to attend.)

The 2 hour meeting will consist in breaking the teens up into groups of 4-5, giving them discussion topics, paper and pens, and having them converse among themselves- and draw/write it all down. They will then all come back together and discuss what they talked about.  It will be a good chance for them to meet other Anchorage teens. There will of course be time set aside for games and food!

The information gained will be used to help provide better programs for teens.

All participating teens will be given a $20 gift card.

Teens who are usually not represented and do not have a chance to have their voice heard are especially encouraged to attend.

If you know parenting teens, please let them know that childcare expenses will be reimbursed.

Click here teen conversation flyer for more information.

Click here for a teen conversation Permission Form (requested but not required)